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A neat cutting fluid developed to provide superior performance in machining tough ferrow alloys, mild steel and cast iron

ECOCUT 21 S is primarily designed for severe metal working operations. To ensure effective performance is attained in these applications, the additives have been selected to ensure extreme pressure characteristics are optimised.

ECOCUT 21 S incorporates a unique extreme pressure additive package, which enhances metalworking performance and ensures that ECOCUT 21 S is suitable for machining high alloy, stainless and mild steel.

In addition, the product still maintains acceptable environmental conditions in the workplace. Contains chlorine-free EP additives.


  • Metal processing

The information shown on this side is based on the experience and expertise of the FUCHS Group in the development and manufacture of lubricants and represents the current state of the art. The performance of our products can be influenced by a series of factors, especially the specific use, the method of application, the operational environment, component pretreatment, possible external contamination, etc. For this reason, universally valid statements about the function of our products are not possible. Our products must not be used in aircraft/spacecraft or parts thereof. This does not apply if the products can be removed again before the components are fitted in an aircraft/spacecraft. The information given here represents general, non-binding guidelines. No warranty expressed or implied is given concerning the properties of the product or its suitability for any given application. We therefore recommend that you consult a FUCHS Group application engineer to discuss application conditions and the performance criteria of the products before the products are used. It is the responsibility of the user to test the functional suitability of the products and to use them with the corresponding care. Our products are subject to continuous further development. We therefore retain the right to change our product range, the products, and their manufacturing processes as well as all details on this side at any time and without warning, provided that no customer-specific agreements exist that require otherwise.

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