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Hele, kõrge viskoossusega ja koormusmanustega määre avatud ülekannetele

Performance Features

  • temperature range: 0/+140 °C / +32/+280 °F; recommended application temp.: > +10 °C/+ 50 °F
  • excellent wear protection
  • very good dry running properties
  • unlimited suitability for kiln and mill drives
  • no self-ignition on the hot kiln shell
  • thick lubricating film
  • very good lubricating film stability on the stationary tooth flank
  • free of solvent and bitumen


CEPLATTYN GT 10 is a high-viscosity adhesive lubricant for heavy-duty Open Gears, e.g. on kilns, mills and driers in the raw materials industry. CEPLATTYN GT 10 is based on a synthetic base oil, new types of additives, and a combination of white, reaction-effective solid lubricants. This combination guarantees an extraordinarily good wear protection and an extremely high lubricant film stability. CEPLATTYN GT 10 together with CEPLATTYN GT P (Primer) and CEPLATTYN GT RN (Running-In) represents the FUCHS LUBRITECH Multi-Phase Lubrication.

Field of application

CEPLATTYN GT 10 has been especially developed for the application on Open Gears under critical operating conditions, such as low-speed kiln drives with increased tooth flank temperatures, mill drives with extreme drive power, and drives which are frequently operated under start-stop conditions. CEPLATTYN GT 10 includes flame-retarding substances reducing the danger of ignition, e.g. on the hot kiln shell (up to 400 °C). Furthermore CEPLATTYN GT 10 has a restricted flowability outside the meshing and is thus prevented to a large extent from leaving the gear guard. As opposed to conventional fluids CEPLATTYN GT 10 develops a thick lubricating film on the tooth flank which does not flow off of the metal surface, not even after a stoppage of the equipment. Thus CEPLATTYN GT 10 reliably protects from wear in the starting phase of the equipment which can happen with conventional fluids. The high portion of reaction-effective white solid lubricants prevents a seizure of the tooth flanks even in unfavorable lubricating and meshing conditions. CEPLATTYN GT 10 meets the requirements of AGMA 9005-E01 / D-2 and has been approved by FLSmidth, KHD Humboldt Wedag, Metso, and Outotec.

Method of application

CEPLATTYN GT 10 is suitable for the application in immersion bath, circulation lubrication and spraying systems. In terms of spraying applications a heating system is recommended with ambient temperatures below +10 °C/+50 °F.


Shelf life: 24 months


  • Tsement, lubi, kips
  • Sepistamine
  • Kaevandamine, karjäärid, uurimine
  • Elektrienergia tootmine

Siin esitatud teave põhineb FUCHSi kontserni kogemustel ja teadmistel määrdeainete arendamise ja tootmise vallas ning vastab praegusele tehnika tasemele. Meie toodete tulemuslikkust võivad mõjutada mitmed tegurid, eelkõige konkreetne kasutus, rakendusmeetod, töökeskkond, komponendi eeltöötlus, võimalik väline saastumine jne. Sellest tulenevalt ei ole võimalik esitada meie toodete funktsioonide kohta väiteid, mis kehtiksid igal tingimusel. Meie tooteid ei tohi kasutada õhu- või kosmosesõidukites ega nende osadel. See ei kehti juhul, kui tooteid saab uuesti eemaldada, enne kui komponendid õhu- või kosmosesõidukisse paigaldatakse. Siin toodud teave hõlmab üldiseid, mittesiduvaid juhiseid. Toote omadustele ega toodete sobivusele konkreetseks kasutuseks ei anta ühtegi otsest ega kaudset garantiid. Seetõttu soovitame konsulteerida FUCHSi kontserni rakendusinseneriga, et saada teavet kasutustingimuste ja toodete toimivuskriteeriumite kohta enne nende kasutamist. Kasutaja vastutab toodete funktsionaalse sobivuse testimise eest ning kohustub neid kasutama vajaliku hoolsusega. Meie tooteid arendatakse pidevalt edasi. Seetõttu on meil õigus muuta tootesarju, tooteid ning nende tootmisprotsesse ja kõiki siin esitatud üksikasju mistahes ajal ja ilma ette teatamata, välja arvatud juhul, kui kliendiga on sõlmitud vastupidiseid kokkuleppeid.

Meie kontaktandmed
Erki Birnbaum
+372 625 7780
Erki Birnbaum
Telefon:+372 625 7780
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