Peršokti į turinį


High temperature lubricant

Performance Features

  • temperature range: -20 / +1000 °C
  • is well suited as casting ladle facing
  • lubricates and separates well even at very high temperatures
  • increases functional reliability and prolongs the service life of hot system parts and tools
  • is classified as non-hazardous as defined by German legislation on hazardous substances


HYKOGEEN LS 507 is a grey lubricating paste, with good lubricating properties, for use at high temperatures. A special synthetic oil containing a large amount of white solid lubricant combination lends this product good lubrication and separating properties. The carrier oil evaporates gradually at continuous temperatures exceeding 180 °C. A dry anti-friction film is formed which performs the task of lubrication under mixed and boundary friction conditions, and provides protection against wear. There is only very slight residue from the carrier oil, and this residue has a favourable effect during subsequent lubrication.

Field of application

Facing for casting ladles, tools, funnels and spouts in aluminium die casting.

Lubrication of slowly moving bearings, bolts, hinges, slipper pads and slide rails on firing, drying and annealing systems especially melting furnaces. Steelworks: coke discharging machines, connections rods and scot blowers.Die casting machines: ejector pins and other moving parts.

Wherever high temperatures preclude the use of oils and greases and wherever slow movements occur or a good separating effect is required.

Method of application

Die casting: Apply a thin film on the paste using a brush or tassel. Burn in above the melting or flame off until the pasty coating is dry - until the dry light-grey residue is obtained.

Pramonės šakos

  • Casting
  • Metal processing

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+370 687 44432
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+370 655 79804
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