Peršokti į turinį


White stoving paste

Performance Features

  • coat casting ladles
  • longer tool life
  • homogeneous, firmly adhering release film
  • ready to use for warm and cold surfaces
  • clean operating


HYKOGEEN LS 50 is a spreadable, homogeneous paste containing a high percentage of white release solids

Field of application

HYKOGEEN LS 50 is a ready for use white burn-in paste for casting ladles and tools in related non-ferrous casting. After the pyrolytical volatilization of the base oil, a smooth, white release layer forms, thus helping ensure the casting operation runs without a hitch. HYKOGEEN LS 50 protects the casting ladle material and prevents iron from being introduced in the molten metal bath.

Method of application

HYKOGEEN LS 50 is best applied by brushing it on (using a brush or swab). At the same time it can be applied to both cold and pre-heated tools. The base oils decompose without leaving behind any residue at temperatures over 300 C°. The remaining white stoving paste forms a closed, firmly adhering coating.

Guide ladle coating

Preheat ladle to approx. 100-140 °C (e.g. with open flame of a burner). Apply HYKOGEEN LS 50 with a brush, only one coating! Allow the coating to level the surface for at least four hours. Better to prepare ladle at the end of the shift and let it dry near the oven over night (warm surrounding temperature is recommended).
First casting operation with the pretreated ladle will produce some smoke and flames. Then the burning in coating is finished. Life time of ladle made of heat resistant steel:
approx. 5-7 weeks in a three shifts per day operations.

Pramonės šakos

  • Casting
  • Metal processing

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Susisiekti su mumis
Erki Birnbaum
+372 625 7780
El. paštas
Vidas Gečys
Tel.:+370 698 70383
Managing Director
Sales Director of the Baltic States