Peršokti į turinį


Special long-term lubricating grease with a wide range of applications

Performance Features

  • temperature range: -30 / +160°C, short-term up to +180°C
  • extremely wide temperature range
  • high pressure resistance
  • excellent protection against wear
  • stringy
  • water-resistant
  • protects against corrosion
  • good pumpability, even at low temperatures
  • worked stability at alternating loads and speeds


LAGERMEISTER XXL is an all-round grease, based on an especially selected mineral oil in combination with a special polyurea to achieve its consistency. LAGERMEISTER XXL additionally contains a high-tech additive package providing the grease with excellent pressure resistance and ageing stability.

Field of application

LAGERMEISTER XXL can be used for lubrication of heavy-loaded plain and roller bearings in any kind of industry, as well as in all types of construction machinery, especially when subjected to severe operating conditions like high loads and elevated temperatures. Typical areas of application for LAGERMEISTER XXL are electric motors, vibrating screens, and crushers. LAGERMEISTER XXL can be used as a universal grease in areas, where currently lithium- or lithium-complex soap greases are used. In these cases, LAGERMEISTER XXL offers the advantage that the relubrication intervals can often be considerably increased. Additionally, the number of different lubricants can be reduced by applying LAGERMEISTER XXL, thus reducing the costs for keeping different grades of grease permanently available and also reducing the risk of mix-ups.

Method of application

LAGERMEISTER XXL can be applied manually with suitable grease guns, via centralised lubrication systems or straight from the cartridge with SYSTEM REINER grease guns.

Pramonės šakos

  • Agriculture, forestry
  • Cement
  • Construction
  • Machinery, equipment
  • Mining, quarrying, exploration
  • Other industries
  • Power generation

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Susisiekti su mumis
Erki Birnbaum
+372 625 7780
El. paštas
Vidas Gečys
Tel.:+370 698 70383
Managing Director
Sales Director of the Baltic States