Gaišas krāsas, ar augstu viskozitāti smērviela vaļējiem zobratiem
Performance Features
- temperature range (short term): -5/+140°C / +23/+280°F; recommended application tem-perature: > +10°C/+ 50°F maximum permanent temperature in bath and circulation systems: 80°
- for bath and circulation systems
- excellent wear protection
- suitable for kiln and mill drives
- no self-ignition on the hot kiln shell
- thick lubricating film
- very good lubricating film stability on the stationary tooth flank
- free of solvent and bitumen
CEPLATTYN GT 3 is a high-viscosity adhesive lubricant for heavy-duty Open Gears, e.g. on kilns, mills and driers in the raw materials industry, used with bath or circulation systems.
CEPLATTYN GT 3 is based on a synthetic base oil, new types of additives, and a combination of white, reaction-effective solid lubricants.
This combination guarantees an extraordinarily good wear protection and an extremely high lubricant film stability.
Field of application
CEPLATTYN GT 3 has been especially developed for the application on Open Gears under critical operating conditions, such as kiln and mill drives in the cement and mining industry.
CEPLATTYN GT 3 includes flame-retarding substances reducing the danger of ignition, e.g. on the hot kiln shell. Furthermore CEPLATTYN GT 3 has a restricted flowability outside the meshing and is thus prevented to a large extent from leaving the gear guard.
CEPLATTYN GT 3 develops a thick lubricating film on the tooth flank which does not flow off of the metal surface, not even after a stoppage of the equipment. Thus CEPLATTYN GT 3 reliably protects from wear in the starting phase of the equipment which can happen with conventional fluids.
Method of application
CEPLATTYN GT 3 is suitable for the application in immersion bath and circulation lubrication systems.
Shelf life: 24 months
- Cements, kaļķakmens, ģipsis
- Uzbūve
- Kalšana
- Ieguves rūpniecība, karjeru izstrāde, ģeoloģiskā izpēte
- Enerģētika
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