Atgriezties pie satura


Concrete release agent emulsion, preferably for use in precast plants

Performance Features

  • operating temperature up to 70 °C (shuttering temperature)
  • suitable for use on vertical surfaces
  • mineral oil free
  • easy to re-apply
  • largely prevents pore formation
  • ensures the production of clean and uniform surfaces
  • contains very effective corrosion protection for steel shuttering
  • does not impair the adhesion of plaster, adhesives and painting work
  • SOK AQUA Z PLUS does not attack Styropor
  • good biodegradability


SOK AQUA Z PLUS is an aqueous concrete release agent emulsion based on renewable raw materials. SOK AQUA Z PLUS is mineral oil free.

Field of application

SOK AQUA Z PLUS is suitable for steel-coated-, plastic-coated- and planed wooden shuttering.


SOK AQUA Z PLUS is applied thinly and uniformly onto the clean and dry shuttering using suitable spraying equipment (with Teejet nozzle SS 730039, SS 800050 or SS 800067). Drop-formation and overdosing are to be avoided. Consumption amounts to approximately 1 litre for 60 to 130 m² according to the type of shuttering. SOK AQUA Z PLUS may not be mixed with release agents, water, oils or solvents. It is ready for use!NotesThe container must be protected from frost and direct solar radiation. The container is to be well sealed after each withdrawal.The product is to be used within 6 months of production (for production date see barcode-label).The use of SOK AQUA Z PLUS is neither subject to the Federal Law on Emission Control (BImSchG = Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetzt) nor the VOC Directive.Please observe water resources policy act and EU safety data sheet!The product may not come in contact with zinc or galvanised materials.The biological degradability of > 80% is related to the oil phase (modified storm test, easily biodegradable).


The container must be protected from frost and direct solar radiation. The container is to be well sealed after each withdrawal.
The product is to be used within 6 months of production (for production date see barcode-label).
Please observe water resources policy act and EU safety data sheet!
The product may not come in contact with zinc or galvanised materials.
The biological degradability of > 80% is related to the oil phase (modified storm test, easily biodegradable).
Store cleaning rags wetted with SOK AQUA Z PLUS in a closed and approved container.


  • Construction

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Sazinieties ar mums
+371 264 13083
Servisa kontakti
+371 26 413 083
Darba laiks:

Pirmdiena - piektdiena 8:00 - 17:00