

高水平的创新能力是福斯业务模式的重要推动力量。福斯凭借其高于行业平均水平的创新速度和高度的专业化程度而出类拔萃。其目标是持续开发润滑油的潜力; 即提高效率,延长产品生命周期,开发多功能润滑油和创新产品,以满足新的技术和法规要求,同时改进能源、工艺和成本效率。与此同时,我们致力于可持续发展的目标和愿望,开发有助于保护环境和资源的润滑油解决方案。

因此,福斯集团非常注重研究和开发。公司目前有600多个正在进行的研究和开发项目,旨在评估如纳米或最小量润滑这些新技术的潜力。这些项目由全世界25个实验室所在地的大约400名工程师和科学家提供支持。实验室的员工大约有10%工作在研究和开发领域 —— 福斯为进一步扩大其技术和人员能力不断投入。位于曼海姆总部的超现代技术中心协调国际专家网络,汇集专业知识,支持全球需求的知识转移。

Research and development geared to the requirements of our customers

FUCHS engages in application-oriented development directly at and in cooperation with the customer with the aim of adapting lubricants optimally to the process and machine-related requirements. In addition to this, FUCHS attaches great importance to basic research and maintains commitments in interdisciplinary research projects and partnerships with universities, academic institutions, biotechnology companies and customers such as OEMs. FUCHS has extensive laboratory and simulation capacities. Product developments are accompanied by intensive series of tests. All lubricants used in the medical engineering sector are subjected to tests for cytotoxicity and any potential damage to cells and tissues. FUCHS is one of the few lubricant manufacturers that performs tests of this kind.

Jack Smith
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore.
John Doe