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FUCHS China at the 3rd Pow­er­train Grind­ing Tech­nol­ogy In­no­va­tion Forum

08.03.2019 - 01:11

On Feb. 27-28, 2019, the 3rd Powertrain Grinding Technology Innovation Forum was held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). As a specialized platform that focuses on grinding technology, the forum brought together nearly 200 industry experts and users to discuss powertrain grinding technology, including machine tools, grinding wheels, processes, measurement, lubrication, and coolant maintenance, and share best practices.

Mr. Zeng Yongjun, Metalworking Product Manager at FUCHS China, delivered a keynote speech titled “FUCHS One-Stop Grinding Solution”, sharing the influence of grinding and cutting oil to the process from the perspective of lubrication, and presenting corresponding solutions. FUCHS offers ECOCUT LE Series low-misting, neat cutting oils and ECOCOOL Series high-performance grinding fluid. While reducing workpiece burns and chatter marks, they can effectively prevent oil mist pollution, improve work environment, reduce the total cost of production, and enhance productivity.


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