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Food safety & performance

It is sufficiently well known that the food industry is a highly demanding market: Here it is all about consumer protection. Legislation and increasing hygiene standards repeatedly come up with constantly increasing requirements that apply in hardly any other segment of the manufacturing industry. For instance, more and more stringent rules have to be adhered to in the use and production of food grade lubricants than anywhere else.

Why are food grade lubricants necessary anyway? Is it not sufficient to use those lubricants in production that are used in other sectors? Machine is machine and assembly line is assembly line. Or not? Of course not. Although appliances in the food industry do not differ considerably from those used in other industrial sectors in terms of function, they are usually subject to stronger influences, such as daily cleaning procedures with aggressive substances, contamination with active substances and extreme temperature fluctuations from rapid freezing through to baking in wafer ovens. The various applications in the food industry differ distinctly in their requirements on the lubricants used.

Daily cleaning procedures with aggressive substances, contamination with active substances and extreme temperature fluctuations: appliances in the food industry are usually subject to strong influences.


Repeatedly, cases of unintentional food contamination is caused by lubricants and chemical substances - partly with serious consequences. The risk can be easily demonstrated using the example of can seaming machines: Here, lubricants can escape directly above the cans and be hurled away due to the high speed, thus coming into contact with the food. Increasingly stringent hygiene standards force the companies of the food industry to take measures to avoid contamination. There is, however, no European standard for food grade lubricants.


But it is not only the statutory requirements that cause food manufacturers to invest in safe process flows. The selection of the right lubricants increases the performance of the machines and reduces downtimes. So saving in the wrong place can quickly result in financial consequences.

But the most expensive impacts in the industry are caused by product recalls due to contaminated food – this must be avoided under all circumstances. Because: According to legislation, the manufacturer is liable until he can convincingly prove that he has undertaken all thinkable measures to avoid the occurred food contamination. In addition, the brand suffers a loss of image, which has been built up with much effort over many years at high investment costs.


Therefore, lubricants in the food market have to ensure the highest possible level of purity – and, in case of a technically unavoidable contact with food – be absolutely safe. FUCHS LUBRITECH is well aware of this responsibility and handles this topic with utmost care. Consumer protection takes top priority at FUCHS LUBRITECH and requires the highest safety standards – from development and production right through to sales and after-sales service. In the field of food grade lubricants, FUCHS LUBRITECH has a comprehensive product portfolio that has proven itself successfully in the market for 30 years: CASSIDA – the lubricant brand for reliability and safety in food production. With a product portfolio of more than 100 food grade lubricants, CASSIDA offers the ideal solution for all industries and any application. CASSIDA is ISO 21469 certified, NSF H1 registered and complies with the religious requirements regarding kosher and halal.

CASSIDA special application lubricants fulfil the highest safety requirements wherever foods are produced, processed, filled and packaged. In addition, they guarantee a smooth production process, a high level of efficiency and a longer lifetime of machines and equipment. Interesting for companies outside the food industry: The nature and performance of CASSIDA products is such that they are frequently capable of fully replacing non-food lubricants.


Expert knowledge and long-standing practical experience are decisive for the selection of the right lubricant. With their range of LCCP examinations (Lubricant Critical Control Point) the lubricant experts from FUCHS LUBRITECH provide an important service

  • for the care of the customers‘ HACCP systems,
  • for the maintenance of food safety,
  • for cost reduction and
  • for the protection of the food brand.

Furthermore, after inspecting the machines, FUCHS LUBRITECH recommends suitable maintenance intervals for lubrication and oil change as well as the suitable product from the extensive CASSIDA portfolio. Because every branch of the food industry poses different requirements:

Beverage filling

Accidental oil contamination during the mixing, dosing, bottling and packaging of millions of litres per year must be avoided. For this purpose, FUCHS LUBRITECH provides food grade lubricants – ISO 21469 certified and NSF H1 registered – which withstand even aggressive fruit acids.



Baking and confectionery industry

Heat resistance up to more than 250 degrees Celsius and the stability of the lubricant are decisive for a safe manufacturing process. CASSIDA lubricants are characterised by water and heat resistance, longevity and resistance to flour dust and sugar.



Meat and poultry

Thousands of tons of meat and poultry are processed every year, and often come into direct and technically unavoidable contact with the lubricant. The CASSIDA portfolio is not only certified as food safe, but also as halal and kosher.



Dairy industry

CASSIDA for the dairy industry not only covers milk processing, but also the processing of all other dairy products such as cheese, butter, dried milk, yoghurt and ice cream. The selection of NSF H1 registered high-performance lubricants fulfils the requirement of being absolutely safe in application, even in the event of accidental contact with the food, in accordance with the contamination limits of the FDA Guidelines.



Animal feed

With CASSIDA, FUCHS LUBRITECH supports the animal feed industry in adhering to the hygiene requirements and minimising the contamination risk. CASSIDA lubricants – ISO 21469 certified and NSF H1 registered – provide safety wherever animal feed comes into contact with mechanical equipment.



Can seaming

High speed, extensive load, high level of humidity – CASSIDA lubricants prove their excellent quality even in the wet operating environments of a can filling and seaming plant. They protect equipment and machines against moisture and corrosion, optimise their productivity and reduce maintenance costs.



Cooking oil

From sterilisation over pressing, and from extraction through to packaging – for the production of cooking oils, lubricants have to meet high technical requirements and fulfil health-related legal specifications. CASSIDA lubricants are ISO 21469 certified and NSF H1 registered – the safe alternative for your production facilities.

A reliable partner in the food industry

From the dairy industry to the animal feed industry – with the CASSIDA lubricant range, FUCHS LUBRITECH meets the requirements of the food market in terms of purity, reliability and performance. The forward-looking high-performance lubricants from FUCHS LUBRITECH have been long-established in the food market for many years due to their excellent quality standard. In addition, individual worldwide consultation is guaranteed by our global network of lubricant experts.

Service Contact
+420 323 637 793
Business hours:

Mo-Fr: 8:30 - 16:30 O'clock