General Lubricating and Machine Oils
Machine oils are lubricating oils without special requirements and, with the exception of the DIN standard for lubricating oils (DIN 51 501), without further dedicated DIN standards.
FUCHS offers machine oils as a problem solver for the most diverse areas.
International standards for machine oils
ISO viscosity classification:
The viscosity of all industrial liquid lubricants, including machine oils, is classified by standard ISO 3448:1992.
The classification defines 20 (kinematic) viscosity grades in the range 2 mm2/s to 3200 mm2/s at 40 °C.
For machine oils the typical range of viscosity grades goes from ISO VG 2 to ISO VG 220.Quality (and performance) specification:
All lubricants, industrial oils and related products are classified by standard ISO 6743. With the "Family A (Total loss systems)" deals its part 1, i.e. standard ISO 6743-1. It covers 4 categories of machine oils - each of them is designated by a symbol consisting of a group of two letters, which together constitute a code where the first letter is always A. With the "Family F (Spindle bearings, bearings and associated clutches)" deals its part 2, i.e. standard ISO 6743-2. It covers 2 categories of oils - each of them is designated by a symbol consisting of a group of two letters, which together constitute a code where the first letter is always F.
- Typical machine oils intended for total loss systems have code: ISO-L-AN.
- Typical machine oils intended for spindle bearings, bearings and associated clutches have codes: ISO-L-FC and ISO-L-FD.

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