Open Gear Lubricants
Open gear drives
Open gear drives can often be found in the cement industry, the so-called milling gears, in rotary kilns in the iron and steel industry, in coal-burning plants or in open-cut mines. This open large gears are often lubricated with sprayable adhesion lubricants. Apart from the requirements made on the load capacity and wear protection, priority is also given to the adhesion properties, sprayability, pumpability and corrosion protection. In the mentioned systems, solid-matter so-called compounded lubricants have proven to be successful as additives to such adhesion lubricants. Today, the health and environmental impact which can occur in oil mist and spray lubrication systems as well as the direct losses due to oil-containing waste air minimize careful oil separation processes. Open gears can also be lubricated manually or with the help of dosing pumps in regular intervals with high-viscosity oils.
Adhesive Lubricants
The product portfolio encompasses both grease-based, graphited lubricants, high-viscosity fluids free from solid lubricants and semi-fluids containing solid lubricants. Suitable CEPLATTYN lubricants are available for all common application methods. CEPLATTYN effectively and successfully reduces the wear of your machine parts through its special formulation and very good adhesion. CEPLATTYN adhesive lubricants are recommended or prescribed by leading equipment manufacturers.
The CEPLATTYN adhesive lubricants range fulfils the tough tribotechnical conditions encountered. The CEPLATTYN range can be used in numerous industrial applications, e.g. open-running drive units on tube mills, rotary kilns, dryers, ore crushers, calcinators etc. In addition on slewing rings, rack-and-pinion devices, slide rails and bolted connections. CEPLATTYN lubricants are suitable for the most varied operating conditions and can be used with all types of application equipment.

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+420 603 899 914