Sustainability Ratings and Certificates
For FUCHS, sustainability has always been an essential part of what we do. FUCHS products allow our customers to operate in more sustainable ways, for example by helping them to reduce their carbon footprint or minimize the wear and tear on their machines. As a result, sustainability is not just part of our daily activities, but also a fundamental component of our FUCHS2025 strategy.
This is also successfully confirmed on a regular basis by external rating agencies and NGOs. These acknowledgments make us proud. They not only emphasize our commitment to sustainability but also encourage us to consistently continue on our path towards carbon neutrality.

Certified sustainability
FUCHS has one of the world's most diverse portfolio of bio-lubricants, ranging from basic chainsaw oil to high performance engine oil. Many of our biodegradable products carry the European environmental label (EU Ecolabel). New series of biodegradable hydraulic and gear oils were developed within the PLANTO range on the basis of saturated ester. The proportion of renewable raw materials is greater than 50% here, and the products have demonstrated their performance in the field.
In addition to this, FUCHS plays an active part in the European standardization process for bio-based lubricants. Among other things, this includes work on terminology, as well as determining the bio-based content, sustainability criteria, eco-auditing and certification. A FUCHS employee leads a work group of the European Committee for developing a general standard for bio-lubricants.