Innovative Solutions for more Sustainable Metalworking
For over 35 years, CNC-Technik Mack GmbH & Co. KG has been a reliable supplier for a wide range of industries. Starting with machining technology for turning and milling, the company has continuously developed over the years and now offers a wide range of technologies and process steps. CNC-Technik Mack consistently relies on state-of-the-art machining technologies and highly qualified employees. The current goal for cooling lubricants is to harmonize the cooling lubricants and cutting fluids used at the company's two production sites.
Harmonizing of Coolants

The selection and economical use of cooling lubricants is a challenge for many companies. Especially when a wide range of materials are machined. This diversity often means that different cooling lubricants have to be used on the machining centers, which makes the production processes more complex and expensive.
ECOCOOL AFC IDM and ECOCOOL VHCM-1Kcooling lubricants offer an innovative solution here. They enable a wide range of machining processes and are characterized by lower application and top-up concentrations, which significantly increases cost-effectiveness.
Roland Kuhli, Production Manager at CNC-Technik Mack in Dornstadt: "Changing the cooling lubricant always involves a risk, of course. Nothing must go wrong - the new cooling lubricant must be at least as efficient and reliable as the previous one, and there must be no disruption to the machining processes and production during the introduction."
Therefore, such a changeover must be very closely accompanied and continuously monitored. This, in turn, was carried out by FUCHS application technology.
"Today, we can clearly say that the positive properties of the two newly introduced ECOCOOL cooling lubricants have been confirmed in series production," says Roland Kuhli. Christan Heidbüchel, Application Engineer at Fuchs in Mannheim, adds: "And all without any introduction problems at both Mack production sites in Dornstadt and Burgrieden." Tobias Grötzinger, production foreman at the Burgrieden plant, can only confirm this.
However, the greatest added value for CNC-Technik Mack lies not only in the simplification of the product range, but above all in the improved service area.
The close cooperation with FUCHS offers CNC-Technik Mack a further advantage. The continuous sampling and comprehensive laboratory analysis in Mannheim enables valuable recommendations to be made, particularly with regard to the subsequent dosing of cooling lubricants and the use of adjusting agents. This leads to fewer foaming problems and longer service life of the cooling lubricants, which contributes to greater economic efficiency
Thanks to the use of innovative cooling lubricants and a sophisticated service and laboratory strategy, the cooling lubricants could be kept in use for much longer, thus reducing disposal quantities. This not only benefits the environment, but also the health of the employees.
Alexander Mack, Managing Partner of CNC-Technik Mack, puts it in a nutshell: "What counts in the end is what comes out of a cooling lubricant change. And today we can say that it has really paid off for us."
Innovative technologies, sustainable solutions and a reliable partnership with FUCHS have led to clear advantages for CNC-Technik Mack GmbH & Co. KG have led to clear advantages. Not only in terms of greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness, but also in the areas of environmental protection and health protection for employees.
FUCHS metalworking lubricants-experts on site

Christian Heidbüchel
Application Engineer

Holger Eisele
Technical Sales Manager
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