NYECORR 140 - Corrugator grease
Lubricating Corrugator Bearings
Corrugated packaging is one of the most economical, rugged and environmentally sound ways to ship goods. More than two-thirds of the world's retail commodities are transported in corrugated packaging which is only expected to increase with the proliferation of online shopping. The efficient and cost-effective production of corrugated board depends on good lubrication. Without it, the entire corrugating production line would come to a screeching halt.
NyeCorr® 140, a PTFE-thickened, heavy viscosity completely fluorinated grease, lubricates the bearings in pre-heater, corrugating and pressure rolls of the single-facer.

NYECORR® 140, food grade & PFOA-FREE
NyeCorr® 140 is a synthetic grease formulated specifically for the maintenance of bearings in the corrugating industry. Since its introduction, hundreds of corrugating plants worldwide have converted to NyeCorr® 140 and realized significant cost reductions, while increasing performance, improving in-plant safety and extending maintenance cycles compared to heritage greases for corrugator bearings
6 Benefits of Lubricating with NyeCorr® 140
- Extends operating life of bearings
- Withstands high temperatures and harsh chemicals
- Offers anti-corrosion package for rust protection
- Reduces maintenance costs
- Increases load-carrying capability
- Resists common solvents and long-term contact with steam and water
Register NSF H-1 #145503
NyeCorr® 140 is recommended for lubrication of preheater, pressure and corrugator roller bearings and is also suitable for the manufacture of food packaging requiring NSF-H1 certified lubricants for incidental food contact.
To comply with new and emerging environmental regulations, Nye has investigated the levels of PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) in all PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) and PFPE currently used in our product formulations, whether as a thickener, additive or grease oil. NyeCorr® 140 meets with all standards.
Make the change!
NyeCorr® 140 is compatible with all major PFPE corrugator greases.
It can be easily replaced and applied over the existing lubricant.
The transition from your PFPE grease to NyeCorr® 140 is very simple and requires no prior preparation.
Total Corrugator Plant Lubrication service (TCPL)
FUCHS provide corrugator manufacturers with all the lubrication solutions their plant needs from a single source.
The Total Corrugator Plant Lubrication service (TCPL) includes a hands-on consultative service from our corrugator experts that work with your plant maintenance team to develop a customized service and lubrication package that best meets your needs. With our comprehensive approach and high-quality lubricants, TCPL helps you cut costs, maximize uptime, and improve plant efficiency.
FUCHS and Nye provide high quality lubricants for every application within your plant, including:
As lubrication experts, we work with you to evaluate your current lubrication and maintenance procedures to identify the products and services your plant needs to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.
Every corrugator plant is different. After reviewing your Plant Audit, our team develops a custom lubrication and service package tailored to your needs and operating conditions. This helps ensure each machine is lubricated with the right oil or grease at the right time. FUCHS offers a variety of lubricant services including oil analysis as well as temperature and vibrational monitoring. These services provide you with a health check of your production equipment and early wear indication to help you identify when you should schedule required maintenance to avoid unplanned machine downtime.
Wherever possible, we will eliminate redundancies and reduce the number of different lubricants your plant needs to improve purchasing and maintenance efficiency. Time is money. Purchasing all your lubricants from one source simplifies your ordering process and makes it easier to manage inventory and minimize stock levels.
Our engineers will work with your maintenance team to make sure all our products are compatible with your old lubricants and that they are applied properly in the right location.
Once you determine which lubrication package is right for you, rest assured that our engineers will continue to provide you with the support you need and are always available to answer any questions you may have.
Why Should You Partner with Us?
Plants that switch to the TCPL package can expect to:
- Improve uptime
- Reduce maintenance
- Extend component life
- Reduce costs
- Improve supply management