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Hybrid Annual Meeting at FUCHS Spain. Facing 2021 with “Global vision and open mind for the challenges ahead”

04.02.2021 - 10:56
Hybrid Annual Meeting at FUCHS Spain. Facing 2021 with “Global vision and open mind for the challenges ahead”
Detalle del montaje del evento

Last Friday 22nd January FUCHS Spain held the annual meeting with all the staff. This year, the event adapted to the “new normal” with a hybrid format and digital technologies, permitted that all participants (physical and remote), were able to enjoy a spectacular event.

Starting with the staging, our warehouse was transformed into a TV set that transported us to the inside of a space shuttle, on a par with the starship “Enterprise”.

We kicked things off with a live online survey, which showed that we have a highly motivated, energetic and enthusiastic team, but above all, with a high level of expectation.

We reviewed the results and achievements of the 2020 mission and focused on the main challenges for 2021, highlighting:

  • The sustained growth expected in all divisions and business areas, based on recovery of industrial activity, consolidation of new businesses and integration of new products and services in our value proposition.
  • R&D work to raise the technological level of our specialties and consolidate our position as Lead Lab in the FUCHS Group.
  • The review of the strategic operations plan to respond to the changing challenges of the market, incorporating continuous improvement as a work philosophy.
  • Adaptation of IT systems, incorporating new technologies and guaranteeing cybersecurity.
  • Cultural change, integration of new training plans, equality plan, introduction of a performance management model, for benefit of our staff well-being.

We closed this section with a second survey to assess the staff's feelings, after the update of the Company's project and found that the initial expectation was transformed into enthusiasm and commitment. We will continue to strive to ensure that all staff are equally motivated and involved.

This year's meeting was even more special because of the retirement farewells of our colleagues Antonio González (Operations Manager) and Joaquín Ferrer (Commercial Director Industry Sales). We had the opportunity to dedicate a few words to them, showing a video summary of their time in the company and dedications from the staff, joined by Stefan Fuchs and Ralph Rheinboldt. Carlo Ostino went live to say goodbye to them and took the opportunity to greet the rest of the staff, thanking them for their efforts and the results of 2020.

We experienced some very emotional and funny moments with our guest of honour, Ramón Fauria, Mentalist, Motivational Speaker and Executive Coach, who reminded us of the importance of living with enthusiasm and open mind.

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