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FUCHS LUBRICANTES is committed to excellence and has obtained the IATF certificate

31.03.2021 - 05:04
FUCHS LUBRICANTES is committed to excellence and has obtained the IATF certificate
Nueva envasadora de 20 litros en las instalaciones de FUCHS LUBRICANTES, donde se envasa el aceite premium de engranajes para ejes de transmisiones de uso severo, TITAN EG DCV 4065 75W8

This international standard guarantees that FUCHS Group systems comply with the highest quality standards for the automotive industry.

FUCHS LUBRICANTES has obtained the IATF 16949:2016 certification, an international quality standard for automotive and spare parts manufacturing companies, which emphasises the continuous development in quality management, defect prevention and waste reduction in the supply chain of the FUCHS Group's Spanish subsidiary. As part of its commitment to the pursuit of excellence, the company undertakes to ensure that its systems meet the highest quality standards.

This standard is based on the structure of ISO 9001:2015, which FUCHS LUBRICANTES has been renewing since 1994, together with other quality standards and certifications that guarantee the reliability, innovation and sustainability of the company and its products. It also allows the company to increase its first-fill portfolio for customers in both the domestic and international markets.

The automotive industry is ready to face an increase in demand and to strengthen its role as the country's economic engine. In order to effectively meet the current requirements, the IATF 16949:2016 certification received by FUCHS LUBRICANTES will respond to the needs of the market, but will also provide added value to other highly demanding sectors such as energy, food, medicine, pharmaceuticals, precision mechanics and robotics.

For Miguel Cimadevilla, Quality and Environment Director at FUCHS LUBRICANTES, “This milestone is another step forward for the company to provide value, safety, continuity and future to a key sector, and to respond to changing needs arising from new mobility models, such as the emergence of electric vehicles and other alternatives to the traditional combustion engine”.

This certification represents the definitive step towards the company's process orientation and a boost to the cultural change and digitalisation project that the company has been implementing for several years through various initiatives. “It has definitely provided an impetus to speed up every one of our actions, while always ensuring maximum performance inside and outside our organisation”, says Miguel Cimadevilla, who points out that “Processes have been adapted and those responsible for them have been trained, all of them incorporating risk assessment systems and opportunities for improvement, and applying the concept of lessons learned within continuous improvement”.

FUCHS LUBRICANTES has managed to position itself as a valuable player in the automotive industry, not only for its wide range of lubrication solutions for different areas of application, but also for its constant commitment to the development of eco-efficient products of the highest quality, in order to meet the demands of today's industry.

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