Sustainability at FUCHS
Environmental consciousness and sustainable production processes pose an enormous challenge for many companies. At FUCHS however, we don’t view sustainability as a mere responsibility, but as a chance. For us and for our customers. That’s why we don’t just analyze and optimize the sustainability of our own processes at all times, but have – time and time again – measurably improved our customers’ value chains as well.
From individually designed hydraulic oils in construction equipment, over special lubricant solutions in combustion engines to cutting fluids in milling machines - they all reduce friction and therefore save significant amounts of CO2. That’s why we can proudly say that our products don’t just contain 90 years of experience, but also a huge amount of potential for your business and the planet alike.

FUCHS sees sustainability as core element of sound corporate management. Based on this, FUCHS is committed to three central sustainability targets, which are operationalized by a comprehensive key performance indicator system and documented in the annual Sustainability Report.
Our goal is to increase company and shareholder value both reliably and continuously.
We are convinced that empowering our customers to act more sustainably is also the key to greater efficiency and thus to significant economic savings and value creation potential. This is not only the basis for the long-term economic success of our customers - but also for our own. Because: if our partners are strong, so are we.
We strive to protect the precious resources of soil, water and air.
To this end, we not only consider and op-timize our own value chain, but see the greatest ecological levers with our custo-mers. This is what we concentrate our inno-
vation and engineering skills for.
We take over responsibility toward our employees and society.
We recognize that we receive a lot of value from society and we want to give somet-hing back in return. Build up and enable-ment of people to act sustainably them-selves is the basis of our activities both internally and externally - regardless of whether it is education, professional trai-ning or development assistance in order to create a sustainable future on site.
The groundwork that enables you to perform more sustainably.

INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING for sustainable solutions
• 535 engineers worldwide
• Laboratories in 24 countries
• 54 million € R&D budget group-wide
• Approx. 600 R&D projects worldwide

Better results through TRUE COLLABORATION
• Consulting at the earliest possible project stage on a specific challenge of the customer.
• Extensive laboratory, testing and simulation capabilities.

• Consulting at the earliest possible project stage on a specific challenge of the customer.
• Extensive laboratory, testing and simulation capabilities.