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General Information

This disclaimer regulates the access and use of content offered on the website owned by FUCHS LUBRICANTES, S.A.U. (hereinafter also referred to as FUCHS).

FUCHS identification details are:

• Company Name: FUCHS LUBRICANTES, S.A.U. - Sociedad Unipersonal

• Registration in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona: Volume 33,376, Folio 137, Page B-231395, Entry 85

• Tax ID Code: A48033930

• Registered Office: C/Ferralla, 27 - Polígono Industrial San Vicente - 08755 Castellbisbal, Barcelona

• Internet: www.fuchs.com/es

• Email address for this site: dac.es@fuchs.com

• Contact telephone no.: 93 547 58 59

By the mere use of the website, the user expresses unreserved acceptance of this Disclaimer and the Privacy Policy. Therefore, we recommend that you read these terms carefully before beginning to use it. If you do not accept the terms stated on this website, you must stop using the website.

FUCHS reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and content of the website and the services contained on it, as well as the terms required for its access and/or use.

Access and use of the content or services after their modification or any change in the terms become effective implies acceptance of them. We recommend you regularly check the terms of use of this website.

Use of the website

Use of the FUCHS website is free of charge.

The services provided by the website do not require subscription or prior registration. However, some services may require prior registration and the completion of appropriate forms in accordance with the terms stated in the service itself, where the user must provide accurate information and keep it up to date at all times. Users are solely responsible for any inaccurate statements they may make, as well as any damage that such statements may cause to FUCHS or to third parties.

The user agrees to use the website and any related services and content without contravening this disclaimer or any other terms set forth on the website, or any current legislation. It is forbidden to use the website for illegal purposes or for any reason which could cause harm to FUCHS or any third party.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The content of this website may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated or processed in any form (either in whole or in part), nor stored without the prior written permission of FUCHS LUBRICANTES, S.A.U. (hereinafter also referred to as FUCHS). FUCHS holds the exclusive rights to use it in any way.

If you are interested in reproducing, distributing, communicating, storing or using in any way the content of this website, please make your request to lopd.es@fuchs.com in order to process the required authorization.

FUCHS LUBRICANTES, S.A.U. and FUCHS PETROLUB SE, Mannheim, Germany, are the owners of industrial property rights related to their products and services and specifically those relating to the registered domain “fuchs.com/es”. Regarding any references to products and services of third parties, FUCHS recognizes the corresponding owner’s industrial and intellectual property rights, their mere mention or appearance on the website not implying the existence of any rights or responsibility for FUCHS on them.

Any unauthorized use of the information contained on this website, as well as any infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of FUCHS and its associated companies, will give rise to legally established responsibilities.

Photos sources: FUCHS PETROLUB, SE and Shutterstock.com 


Natural or legal persons wishing to make hyperlinks from a website to the FUCHS website must comply with the following conditions:

•They shall not partially or wholly reproduce it without express authorization by FUCHS.

•They shall not make partial links on images, frames or other connections with FUCHS webpages without the express authorization of FUCHS.

•They shall not make false, inaccurate or incorrect statements, or partial representations about content on the FUCHS website.

•They shall not depict a brand, trade name, label, logo, slogan or any text belonging to FUCHS, except those which may be part of the link used or with express authorization of FUCHS.

•The page from which the link is established shall not contain any information or content which is illegal or contrary to morality, good customs, public order or any third-party rights.

Links made from other websites to FUCHS webpages shall not imply the existence of a commercial or any other relationship with FUCHS, nor the knowledge, acceptance or responsibility on the part of FUCHS of any statement, service or content on such websites.

FUCHS does not assume any liability arising from the connection or content of the third-party links referred to on this website. At the time, it is effectively aware of any recommended activity or information being unlawful or harmful to the property or rights of a third-party subject to compensation, it will act with sufficient diligence to delete or disable the appropriate link.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities

FUCHS advises that this website aims to provide information on the activities that this company performs and the products and services it provides by transmitting any requests sent by e-mail to our internal services.

FUCHS reserves the right to make, at any time and without need of prior notice, any changes and updates to the information contained on its website or in the configuration and presentation of it.

FUCHS does not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the website or its content, or that the website is updated, although it will do its best to prevent or correct them and update the website when appropriate.

Access to this website, as well as any use which may be made of the information contained on it, is the sole responsibility of the person accessing it. FUCHS shall not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm arising from such access or use of information.

FUCHS shall not be responsible for any failures that may occur in communications, including deletion, incomplete transmission or delays in sending, and will not ensure that the website is operational at all times. In addition, FUCHS shall not be liable in the event of any third party breaching the security measures set up on the website and gaining access to messages or using them for sending computer viruses.

FUCHS is not responsible for any possible security errors that may arise or for any possible damages that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), or any files or documents stored on it, as a result of the presence of viruses on the user's computer used for connection to the services and content of fuchs.com, or a malfunctioning browser or use of non-updated versions of it.

FUCHS expressly prohibits access to the content of this website through bot systems or any other automatic system that does not correspond to the personal access of users to its pages. FUCHS will pursue any conduct carried out in violation of the provisions of this section.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

In case of dispute or interpretation conflict of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any questions related to the services of this website, will be governed by Spanish law.

Phone contact
+34 93 547 58 59
Business hours:

24 hours - 365 days