For more than a decade, we have been relying on this special documentation platform that is constantly optimized.
With the FUCHS LUBRICANTS INSPECTOR, the digital age is now also advancing in the servicing of Open Gears, which are used primarily in mining, the cement industry, but also in the chemical and ceramics industries.
The FUCHS LUBRICANTS INSPECTOR currently lists over 6,900 machines from around 2,350 plants - many customers have already registered and can now see the results of the inspections carried out online.
The FUCHS LUBRICANTS INSPECTOR is a documentation system in nine languages for service on Open Gears.
The Application Engineer enters all data into a tablet computer while inspecting the gear. Therefore the data is immediately available in digital form.
A service report shall include customer information, gear data, photo and/or video documentation, results of the lubrication system check and all measurements, comments, trends, and other visual documentation such as infrared pictures.
All reports are availlable at all the times for the customer/operator, no matter if they use a smart phone, a tablet computer or a desktop computer.
- Free use of the documentation platform
- Online Access
- Immediate access to new reports
- Automatic e-mail notification of new machine and visit reports
- Direct access to current and previous machine and visit reports
- Possibility to integrate videos into report
- Identification of trends in measured values
- FUCHS LUBRICANTS INSPECTOR news in the "News" section
- Ability to print reports
- Library function
- Plattform is available in nine languages: Chinese, German, English, French, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
c/ Ferralla nº 27. Pol. Ind. San Vicente
08755 Barcelona
Tlf: +34 93 547 58 59