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Exemplary: our service for Open Gears

One of our core competencies is the inspection, maintenance and repair of open large gears in the primary industry. All over the world, experienced service engineers assist with the commissioning and running-in of plants and perform regular inspections over their entire lifetime. Thanks to the comprehensive service package in conjunction with our adhesive lubricants, running times of more than 40 years are possible.

Running-in of new Open Gears

Specially trained service engineers assist with the commissioning and running-in of the plant. They ensure that the drive is run-in optimally according to the principle of the LUBRITECH MULTI-PHASE-LUBRICATION (M-P-L) with accurately defined application quantities of the appropriate CEPLATTYN adhesive lubricant.

Regular inspections

For drive units that are lubricated with CEPLATTYN, our service engineers carry out regular inspections over the entire service life. They make written notes of the general operational status, ascertain the amount of wear on the load-carrying tooth flanks, check the spray lubrication and, if necessary, re-set it. In addition, the service engineer performs extensive measurements (vibrations, flank temperature etc.), which are recorded in the FUCHS LUBRICANTS INSPECTOR, a modern documentation system, and are always available to our customers.

Repairs in the case of damage

Our service engineers will help you with their know-how in any cases of damage. In this way we assist you.

- with the search for the cause,

- with the repairs and

- afterwards with the restart.


c/ Ferralla nÂș 27. Pol. Ind. San Vicente
08755 Barcelona

Tlf: +34 93 547 58 59
E-mail: info.es@fuchs.com

Phone contact
+34 93 547 58 59
Business hours:

24 hours - 365 days