The experience of Estampaciones Mayo. Sustainability and savings with maximum quality
Customer: Estampaciones Mayo
Application: Cleaning and degreasing of aluminium, galvanized metal and steel parts after stamping processes
Solution: RENOCLEAN MSO 3006
Main advantages

Wastewater reduction: 70 %

Reduction of energy consumption: 35 %

Substantial improvement of the final quality of the parts: less cost for rejects
The experience of Estampaciones Mayo
Estampaciones Mayo is a company that manufactures metal components for large firms in the automotive industry and original equipment manufacturers.
Their degreasing processes involved using various cleaning products at temperatures ranging between 50 and 65 ºC that were unable to ensure the high-quality finishes required by the automotive industry, and often failed the cleaning and corrosion tests (surface tension test with inks).
One of the added difficulties is that the baths are contaminated by the process oils used in pre-stamping.
RENOCLEAN MSO 3006, multi-metal degreaser that operates at room temperature
Main features and advantages
- Excellent foreign-oil separation
- Longer life of baths and less maintenance
- Low foaming tendency
- Less product carry-over
- Improved surface quality of parts
- Substantial reduction of non-compliance
- Significant savings in energy, water consumption and wastewater generation
- 70% less wastewater
- 35% less electricity consumption
- Simplification of product items, from using three degreasers to a single product suitable for all types of metal
- Improved surface quality of parts
- Reduction of non-compliance costs
Do you need more info?
If you need help to improve your processes and want to know more about our services, don´t hesitate to ask for our expertise. We will be more than glad to help you focus on what is important for you.