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Fuel Labeling


The different types of gasoline are identified by a circle which inside appears a letter E and a number that defines each of the types. These numbers refer to the specific biocomponents in the gasoline:

E5: 5% biofuels (ethanol), equivalent to 95 octane gasoline

E10: 10% biofuels (ethanol), equivalent to 98 octane gasoline

E85: 85% bioethanol



The different types of diesel are identified by a square in which a letter B appears followed by a number, as happens with the gasoline. In diesel fuels, however, we have a third variant that does not follow the guidelines mentioned. It is a square with the letters XTL inside:

B7: 7% biofuels

B10: 10% biofuels

XTL: paraffinic or synthetic diesel, not derived from petroleum


Alternative fuels

Identified with a diamond in which the composition of the gas used is mentioned inside:

LPG: Liquefied petroleum gas

CNG: Compressed natural gas

H2: Hydrogen

LNG: Liquefied natural gas


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