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Prelubes: combining prevention and lubrication

Second Generation Prelubes

The need to reduce the consumption of oils for reasons of environmental sustainability and cost savings has popularized the use of oils known as "Prelubes", that is, oils applied to sheets in rolling mills that allow the addition of oils to be eliminated during the stamping process.

A Prelube offers the corrosion protection of a preventive oil and the lubricity of a drawing oil. To achieve an optimized performance, these oils must be thixotropic and compatible both the production process (elastomers, cleaning process, painting stage, etc.) and with other sheet metal cleaning and stamping fluids.

Taking into account that the stamping of bodywork parts is one of the most important sheet metal drawing processes, the applied corrosion protection oil plays an important role in each step of sheet metal forming, since it is in this process where the highest proportion of lubricants is used. Applying prelubes in steel mills reduces the amount of lubricants used in stamping manufacturing as long as the principle of compatibility is applied throughout the manufacturing chain.

At FUCHS we have developed a second generation of Prelubes, based on modular systems that allow maximum performance with a minimum amount of oil, thus reducing oil consumption and therefore improving the sustainability of the process.

Among the most significant products, we highlight:

>  ANTICORIT RP 4107 S - Essentially Anticorrosive

>  ANTICORIT PL 3802 39 S - 1st generation Prelube 

>  ANTICORIT PLS 100 T - 2nd generation Prelube 

>  ANTICORIT PL 39 SX - Prelube for aluminum and its alloys

>  ANTICORIT PL 39 LV 8 - Metal sheet cleaner

Did you know that the relevant properties and procedures of a plant-applied lubricant are defined in the VDA 230-201 standard? These are some requirements that FUCHS Prelubes meet:

  • Must be thixotropic to ensure reduced drainage
  • Must be applicable by electrostatic spraying
  • It must protect the metal sheet against corrosion
  • No precipitation or other chemical reactions should occur when mixed with the standard oil
  • It must be compatible with cataphoretic paint and adhesives normally used in assembly lines
  • It has to be easily removable with industrial cleaning procedures and the use of cleaners in the preconditioning zone before phosphating and e-painting

For more information, please contact us: info.es@fuchs.com



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