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The right lubricant saved over € 78 600 a year

A large manufacturer of plumbing and bathroom products needed to review its work processes to increase efficiency and reduce costs. They initially used an effective basic drawing oil when drawing bathtubs. However, the oil meant that all the bathtubs had to be washed before going on to welding, steeping and enamelling – a time-consuming process. The company also needed to replace the very old washer with a new one, which would be a huge investment. For this reason the company contacted us to see whether we could help to simplify the production process.


  • Time-consuming washing process.
  • A very old washer that would need replacing very soon.
  • The company needed to cut costs.


  • Full-scale testing with our water-soluble emulsion ECOCOOL BOOSTER L1 (previously named COOLWAY BOOSTER L1) when drawing bathtubs.
  • Since ECOCOOL BOOSTER L1 can be mixed with water, the tubs did not have to be washed but could go directly on to welding, steeping and enamelling.


  • A total saving of € 78 638 a year!


Energy saving in the washer:
Boiler 300 kW/h
Five spray pumps + driveline = 15 kW x 6 = 90 kWh
Total = 390 kWh
390 kW x € 0.07 = € 27,3/h
€ 27,3/h x 1206 h = saving of € 32 923,8

Costing calculation:
Run time 0.0351 x € 28,05 = € 0,985 each
€ 0,985 x annual forecast 35,000 bathtubs = saving of € 34 475

Washing detergent:
Estimated annual consumption (3200 L x € 3) = € 9 600 
90% of annual consumption = saving of € 8 640

Waste management in washer:
Estimated annual cost (3 x empties x 12000 L x € 0,15) = € 5 400
One empty a year remains = saving of € 3 600

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The right lubricant saved over € 79 600 a year

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