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Case: Shower cubicle

The feeling of quality is evident even in the shower

One of our customers, who makes bespoke bathroom fittings, is meticulous about quality down to the finest detail. So when a new shower door was being developed, soft opening and closing was a must. Our challenge was to find the ‘right feel’ using the right lubricant for the hinges.

Our lab found the balance between friction and damping

We decided to test the materials in question (steel on plastic) in our tribometer. We compared the dynamic friction in a normal grease with various greases of very high base oil viscosity.

This enabled us to see how much the friction was affected. The tests showed that one of the products allowed far higher dynamic friction than a ‘normal’ grease – without increasing wear.

Feeling in every detail

So how did it work in practice? We tested the lubricant that had the best lab results with our customer, and the results also applied in reality. The shower doors moved softly and smoothly. Feeling in every detail, just as it should be when using high-quality products.

Sectors: Industry, Bathroom fittings

Added value: The customer’s end users perceive high quality in the shower cubicle.

Products and services:

  • Lab and testing
  • Products for Friction/Lubricant/Grease

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