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The RENOLIN B HVI PLUS products are based on selected hydrotreated base oils of the latest generation. Defined synergistic acting additives and additive sys-tems improve the ageing behaviour and the oxidation stability. They also guarantee excellent corrosion protection for steel and iron materials. Synergistic acting copper inhibitors protect copper and yellow metal materials against corrosion. Selected AW (Anti-Wear) and highly resistant EP (extreme pressure) additives based on zinc containing chemistry protect hydraulic pumps, motors, hydraulic components and machine elements reliably from wear. The excellent wear protection properties are guaranteed at high load, high and low temperature and rough environmental conditions. RENOLIN B HVI PLUS hydraulic fluids have a high viscosity index (low influence of temperature to viscosity). The selected additives systems in combi-nation with the selected base oils guarantees excellent shear-stability. Based on the shear stable high VI (viscosity index) the products of the RENOLIN B HVI PLUS series guarantees a thick viscosity film at high temperatures and a low viscosity at starting conditions. The formation of reliable lubricating film is ensured. RENOLIN B HVI PLUS hydraulic fluids and lubricating oils have multigrade characteristic due to high viscosity index (high VI). They contain additives to improve the ageing stability and corrosion protection. The require-ments on zinc containing demulsifying hydraulic and lubricating oils according to DIN 51524:3 HVLP are fulfil and surpassed. The high-quality base oils of the latest generation (hydrotreated base oils) guarantee high lifetime in comparison to conventional hydraulic fluids based on group I (Standard mineral oils). Service intervals can be expanded. The products show excellently low pourpoint and excellent low deposit tendency (low varnish fluid). RENOLIN B HVI PLUS series have excellent air release properties, low air in the fluid and rapid dynamic air separation. 


  • Low foaming tendency
  • Good air release properties
  • High ageing resistance
  • High lifetime
  • Good corrosion protection
  • Very good viscosity-temperature-behaviour
  • High viscosity index (VI > 145)
  • Very good wear protection
  • Wide application temperature range
  • Good shear stability
  • Latest base oil quality


The products fulfil and pass the requirements
according to

  • DIN 51524-3: HVLP
  • ISO 6743-4: HV
  • ISO 11158
  • Denison HF0
  • Bosch Rexroth
  • Vickers
  • US Steel
  • Cincinnati Milacron


Universally applicable, demulsifying systems hydraulic fluid and lubrication oil for circulating and bearing lubricating. Suitable for all applications in mobile and stationary hydraulic equipment for which a demulsi-fying hydraulic oil (good water separation), type HVLP/HV is mandatory. Synergistically acting additives guarantee a long lifetime and highest hydraulic perfor-mance and good power transfer. At high temperature and high pressure, the synergistically acting properties of base oils and additive technology guarantee a reliable operation of the equipment, components and machines, long lifetime, increased service interval, up to double lifetime expected compared to standard mineral oil (group I) based products. RENOLIN B HVI PLUS shows excellent thermal, oxidative and hydrolytic stability, the formation of hydrolytic products is avoided. 

RENOLIN B HVI PLUS shows excellent filtration behaviour.
RENOLIN B HVI PLUS shows excellent wear protec-tion and high load and high temperature
RENOLIN B HVI PLUS guarantees rapid air release properties of high fluid circulation.



  • Agriculture, forestry
  • Casting
  • Cement
  • Forging
  • Machinery, equipment
  • Metal processing
  • Mining, quarrying, exploration
  • Other industries
  • Steel, metals

The information shown on this side is based on the experience and expertise of the FUCHS Group in the development and manufacture of lubricants and represents the current state of the art. The performance of our products can be influenced by a series of factors, especially the specific use, the method of application, the operational environment, component pretreatment, possible external contamination, etc. For this reason, universally valid statements about the function of our products are not possible. Our products must not be used in aircraft/spacecraft or parts thereof. This does not apply if the products can be removed again before the components are fitted in an aircraft/spacecraft. The information given here represents general, non-binding guidelines. No warranty expressed or implied is given concerning the properties of the product or its suitability for any given application. We therefore recommend that you consult a FUCHS Group application engineer to discuss application conditions and the performance criteria of the products before the products are used. It is the responsibility of the user to test the functional suitability of the products and to use them with the corresponding care. Our products are subject to continuous further development. We therefore retain the right to change our product range, the products, and their manufacturing processes as well as all details on this side at any time and without warning, provided that no customer-specific agreements exist that require otherwise.

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+358 20 7459 660
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+358 20 7459 660