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FUCHS’ new lubrication plant – a major investment in the Nordic market

Construction of FUCHS’s modern new lubrication plant in Fors, south of Stockholm, is in full swing. While many companies in the industry are closing down production in the Nordics, FUCHS are focusing on investment and new construction. We believe in Nordic industry, and we want to grow with our customers, close to where they are.

This is a purpose-built plant encompassing flows for production, warehousing and logistics, as well as R&D, customer analysis and quality control. It is a major investment, one that includes far more than ‘just’ a modern lubrication facility.

Smarter automation
The plant in Fors is designed to meet customers’ needs, with automation and digitalisation on a completely different level to before. High-precision, state-of-the-art production equipment will be governed by a process control system which ensures that production and storage are efficient and consistent. This is an investment that guarantees quality, with maximum repeatability securing stable, high-quality results.

“This investment in a state-of-the-art facility ensures that we can further consolidate our position and show that we put a clear focus on our customers and the Nordic market,” says Ulrika Altsten, Plant Director. “Conditions in the Nordics differ from other parts of Europe and the world. We want to utilise our knowledge of local conditions in the best possible way. I therefore see it as a distinct advantage that we continue to be where our end customers are, also as regards development and production.”

Building for sustainability and preparing for the future
Having production and well-considered flows in the same place not only brings logistical advantages, less risk of error and opportunities for better customer service; it also encompasses a sustainability aspect.

“We have actively chosen a sustainability mindset from the beginning,” says Ulrika Altsten. “The potential to incorporate and prepare for solutions that are as sustainable as possible is far greater when you start and build from scratch.”

The starting-point for building the modern new plant is to consider sustainability from the very beginning. In addition to the lower transport requirement that comes naturally by coordinating production and warehousing, the entire plant will run on fossil-free energy, with electrically powered boilers for process heating and cooling that runs on guaranteed green electricity, under a special agreement with Vattenfall. The building itself is heated and cooled using geothermal energy, and is also prepared for solar panels. This is a plant designed to meet both FUCHS’s and customers’ requirements in the future.

Data with new possibilities 
The ability to control the process from start to finish provides us with data, which in turn increases transparency when it comes to monitoring and overviewing efficiency, quality and safety. This creates the right conditions for FUCHS to work proactively to further improve its operation, and also lays a foundation for constructive dialogue and benefits for our customers. 

FUCHS is therefore building its Fors plant so that flows and content are visible to visitors, thus making it easier for customers to understand and really get an idea of how everything works and what it entails.  

Nearly ready
The physical building will be finished in early 2020, and the plan is to be up and running by August. Important tests and verification of the process and plant will be conducted during the spring, while warehouse management will be refined in the autumn. Before that we will be stockpiling in order to guarantee deliveries and avoid disruptions during the initial period.

“We’re nearly ready to go, which is great and tremendously exciting,” Ulrika Altsten concludes.

Do you want to know more?

Ulrika Altsten
Sr. Director Supply Chain

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