On track for a brighter future
While travelling by rail is a common mode of transport the world over, rail lubrication may not be something many people think about. But rail traffic and sustainability are key areas for FUCHS, and also an important area for the future.

Most people would agree that rail is considered one of the most environmentally sustainable ways to travel, and it’s also a good option for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. But rail travel’s true sustainability comes largely down to where the electricity comes from and how the investments are looked after.
A climate-smart way to travel?
Railways are important in achieving climate goals, but as a system rail also requires high investment both in infrastructure and rolling stock. From raw material to production and finances. Consequently, the most sustainable approach, both environmentally and financially, is to maintain existing systems.
Swedish research into lubrication of Malmbanan – the Iron Ore Line, Europe’s most heavily trafficked train route – shows that the right lubrication can reduce wear and cracking by up to 60%*. And with figures like that, it’s easy to see why lubricating tracks, switches and wheels is a must. But in the rail industry, it’s not just about lubricating, but what you lubricate with.
Environmental requirements on lubricants
Since with essentially all railway lubricants there is a risk of leakage into land and water, there are increasing demands on using biodegradable lubricants. A far-reaching process is therefore under way to eliminate environmentally harmful substances while retaining the same performance.
“We are seeing great interest and openness among railway customers in the Nordics and beyond in sustainable new solutions,” says Magnus Björnberg of FUCHS Business Development Rail in the Nordics. “Norrköping and Stockholm are just two of the cities that are already fully up and running with a transition towards a more futureproof product portfolio of EU-certified products. And a lot of others are curious too.”
Close collaboration and best practice
The train is a common mode of transport around the world, and one advantage that FUCHS has as a global company is that wherever knowledge is missing locally, it can always be found globally. In Europe we can benefit from a solid presence across the continent, from the far north of Norway to southernmost Spain.
“We work closely across national borders, both in Europe and globally,” says Magnus Björnberg. “And we learn from each other by sharing and applying best practice, all to see whether and how lessons learnt can be of benefit to our customers.”
One example is that FUCHS’ customers in Northern Europe have long been asking for more sustainable solutions, which means we are leaders in the field both in terms of knowledge and development. Our colleagues in Europe and around the world can benefit from this. In the same way, customers here in the Nordics can draw on other specialist know-how when they need it. For instance, FUCHS enjoys a very close collaboration with Deutsche Bahn and Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, BVG, Berlin’s public transport company. We also work very closely with the world’s train manufacturers.

Magnus Björnberg, Business Development for Rail at FUCHS Nordics, with European colleagues Ralf Schlösser and Jens Koopmann of FUCHS Germany, at a knowledge exchange with Stockholms Spårvägar, at the tramway operator’s depot, Lidingö.
From standard to specialist lubricants
FUCHS delivers products for all kinds of rail traffic, whether for freight or passengers. And being able to work across the board – from the extremely heavy traffic on the Iron Ore Line to light tramway traffic in urban environments – obviously places some tough demands on technical expertise. It also requires specialist knowledge of and solutions to the very different challenges faced by rolling stock operators and infrastructure owners.
“It’s also a great advantage to have a wide and sustainable product range. The FUCHS range covers every need for rolling stock and infrastructure,” says Magnus Björnberg. Whether you’re planning a transition to futureproof products or are facing other challenges, such as eco-friendly graffiti removal, you can rest assured. We have the expertise and the products to meet all your needs.
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Want to know more?

Teemu Hyppönen
+358 40 831 0137
Technical Sales Representative