Waste Recovery and Disposal
The texts: The waste producer is responsible for their disposal Article L 110-1-II of the Environment Code. The producer of Hazardous Industrial Wastes (DID) must issue a Waste Follow-up Schedule (BSD) in order to ensure the traceability of its waste and to retain proof of their disposal Decree n ° 2005-635 of 30 May 2005 J.O.
The obligations :
- To sort hazardous waste
- To collect and treat its waste by authorized professionals
- To keep the waste tracking slip (BSD): it is mandatory for all hazardous wastes in whatever quantity, it follows the waste to the treatment facility. A completed copy is returned to the issuer of the waste. A copy of the BSD must be kept for 5 years.
In case of non-compliance with the regulations (law of 13 July 1992), the producer incurs the following penalties: 2 years imprisonment and a fine of 75.000 €.
The FUCHS response: In partnership with SEVIA, a major player in the collection and recycling of special waste, FUCHS LUBRIFIANT FRANCE supports its customers in the management of their hazardous waste. Do not hesitate to consult us for the recovery of oil (engine), oil (light) (oil), black oil (movement, quenching, gears), coolants, machining fluids, Degreasers (solvents or detergents) as well as soiled packaging (canisters, ...).