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All of the ECOCUT and RATAK complete cutting oils are formulated from highly refined mineral base oils that have undergone a hydrocracking process.

This demanding process allows FUCHS to engage in levels of BaP (Benzo-a-Pyrene), tracer PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), mastered.

FUCHS Lubricant France also offers the PLANTOCUT range, synthetic milling oils of plant origin, completely free of hydrocarbons and therefore PAH, which can meet all your applications.

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), complying with the international designation Poly Nuclear Aromatics (PNA):

Are natural constituents of coal and oil
Constitute a family of about 25 components (Benzo-a-pyrene, anthracene, naphthalene)
Are derived from degradation products of base oils of fossil origin.
At high levels, PAHs provide carcinogenicity to mineral oils.

The base oils used for the formulation of whole machining oils are not classified as carcinogens according to European regulations if it is established that they contain less than 3% of extract by DMSO measured according to the IP 346 method ( global determination method for PAHs).

All our products comply with this legislation. This information appears in section 3 of the SDS, as indicated below:

"Highly refined mineral oils and petroleum distalates in our product contain less than 3% dimethylsulfoxide extract (DMSO), measured by the IP 346 method (percentage by weight) and are not classified as carcinogens according to Note L , Annex VI of EC Regulation 272/2008. "

Specific case of Benzo-a-Pyrene (BaP):

Substance in relatively constant proportion of PAHs (approximately 10%)
The most important and most dangerous PAH, proven carcinogenic impact
BaP is used as a tracer for PAH because of its natural and constant proportion.

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Mon. - Friday : 9.00AM - 4.30PM