Where efficient technology meets intelligent lubrication. FUCHS BluEV - Future mobility lubrication.
Highly efficient and sustainable e-mobility solutions rely on lubrication. To develop smart lubrication solutions for your future mobility applications, we draw on our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in various mobility sectors. You benefit from our close, long-standing collaboration with experts in the automotive industry and an innovative technology that covers nearly all solutions under one umbrella, FUCHS BluEV. The result: greater efficiency and optimized costs.
Proven expertise for leading e-mobility

Our long-standing expertise in automotive and other mobility sectors is an essential factor in developing smart lubrication solutions for your future mobility applications. Always pioneers in future mobility, for more than 90 years we have developed over 10,000 lubricants with full global engineering, production, and service network expertise.
The full power of German technology

FUCHS is the number one lubrication partner for e-mobility applications. Our globally available engineering and technology experts enable us to collaborate closely with you – no matter your location worldwide. German technology – globally engineered, in-depth automotive know-how, and exclusive focus on lubrication and special fluids: all this guarantee you high-end solutions for outstanding e-mobility concepts.
One product line, one goal: greater efficiency

As an integrated umbrella platform FUCHS BluEV technology leads to a high level of efficiency and sustainability – and thus to cost savings for you. We deliver a 360-degree product line finely tuned to the needs of your e-mobility applications, from lubrication and thermal management to various special products like protection coatings for anti-corrosion.

"At FUCHS, we consider e-mobility applications in their entirety. As the leading global provider of a full product range among the niche suppliers, we work together with our customers and suppliers to develop suitable solutions for the new challenges involved."
Carsten Meyer, Executive Vice President OEM FUCHS Group.
Pioneering future lubrications solutions

Our many years of experience, intensive advance development, as well as major R&D laboratory and test bay capacities enable us to develop and test suitable solutions for new challenges together with our customers. Extensive expertise, speed, flexibility, and when necessary unconventional approaches secure reliable results here.
We would be happy to work with you in determining the right media for your tasks from the large number of potential solutions.
Speed4E: Speed for electric mobility

Participating in joint research projects allows us to constantly find new ways of making drive systems even more efficient together with customers and valueadding partners. As a result, we can increase the achievable range in batterypowered electrical vehicles and minimize CO2 emissions in hybrids, while helping to reduce costs for both.
One such joint project in which FUCHS is collaborating with other OEMs and suppliers is Speed4E. The objective here is to achieve both lubrication and cooling using just one fluid in a highly integrated drive system that reaches speeds of up to 50,000 rpm.