Analysts' estimates
FUCHS is covered by various national and international financial analysts. The consensus (majority of opinion) reflects their earnings projections for FUCHS and is an important guidance for the capital market.
In terms of transparency and equal treatment FUCHS publishes the latest consensus here on the website.
The consensus contains forward-looking statements, which are based on the current estimates and assumptions exclusively given by the participating analysts. Forward-looking statements are not to be understood as in any way guaranteeing that those expectations will turn out to be accurate. Future performance and the results actually achieved by FUCHS SE and its affiliated companies depend on a number of risks and uncertainties such as the future economic and market environment. Many of these factors are outside FUCHS control and cannot be accurately estimated in advance.
The consensus is not controlled, changed or censored by FUCHS. Therefore FUCHS shall not be liable for any derogation between the consensus and the company’s financial results.
The consensus is collected and provided by Vara Research and can be found at the following link.
This document has been issued by Vara Research GmbH for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice. It is based on estimates and forecasts of various analysts regarding revenues, earnings and business developments of FUCHS SE. Such estimates and forecasts cannot be independently verified by reason of the subjective character. Vara Research GmbH gives no guarantee, representation or warranty and is not responsible or liable as to its accuracy and completeness.