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Frequently asked questions

Our shares are traded on the electronic trading platform Xetra and all German regional stock exchanges under the abbreviations FPE [ordinary share] and FPE3 [preference share].

FUCHS SE has issued two classes of shares, half ordinary shares and half preference shares.

Ordinary shares:
Registered ordinary shares grant the holder all rights in accordance with the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). These include the right to participate in the Annual General Meeting of the stock corporation, the right to information and the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

ISIN: DE000A3E5D56
Ticker symbol: FPE
Type of instrument (class): No-par value ordinary registered shares
Authorised capital: EUR 65,500,000
Authorised capital in shares: 65,500,000

Preference share:
The registered preference shares are non-voting and, compared to ordinary shares, grant the holder certain preferences, which are expressed, for example, in the dividend entitlement. At FUCHS, the preference share is the more liquid of the two share classes and has been listed in the MDAX since 2008.

ISIN: DE000A3E5D64
Ticker symbol: FPE3
Type of instrument (class): No-par value registered preference shares
Authorised capital: EUR 65,500,000
Authorised capital in shares: 65,500,000


You can purchase our shares via a broker or a bank with access to the relevant stock exchanges.

If you have any questions about your investment or the share, please contact our Investor Relations team. You will find the contact details here.

Our Annual General Meeting usually takes place in May. The exact dates are published in the Financial Calendar.

On 8 May 2024, the Annual General Meeting approved a dividend of € 1.10 per ordinary share and € 1.11 per preference share for the 2023 financial year.

The dividend is usually paid out on the third bank working day after the Annual General Meeting. All shareholders who hold FUCHS shares on the day of the Annual General Meeting are entitled to a dividend. 

FUCHS SE aims to increase the dividend every year. With the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2024, the 22nd consecutive dividend increase was realised.

The dividend yield depends on the current share price. You can use the Performance Calculator to determine the current value and performance of your FUCHS shares for a freely selectable period.

Our company is currently covered by 13 analysts. A list of analysts and the financial institutions involved can be found in the Analyst's Estimates.

An overview of current analyst estimates can be found in the Analyst's estimates. This contains forecasts for sales, EBIT and other key figures provided by leading financial institutions.

Yes, we regularly provide an overview of the consensus estimates issued by various analysts. This is available in the Analyst's Estimates and shows an average (median) of the estimates of relevant key financial figures.

On 8 May 2024, the Annual General Meeting approved a dividend of € 1.10 per ordinary share and € 1.11 per preference share for the 2023 financial year.

The dividend is usually paid out on the third bank working day after the Annual General Meeting. All shareholders who hold FUCHS shares on the day of the Annual General Meeting are entitled to a dividend. 

FUCHS SE aims to increase the dividend every year. With the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2024, the 22nd consecutive dividend increase was realised.

The dividend yield depends on the current share price. You can use the Performance Calculator to determine the current value and performance of your FUCHS shares for a freely selectable period.

FUCHS' financial reports are supplied as PDF and can be downloaded. 

The schedule for the publication of our financial figures is provided in the financial calendar.

Investor presentations can be downloaded as PDF from the Financial and Corporate Presentations section.

Pursuant to the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG), any individual or company whose share of voting rights and/or related financial instruments reaches, exceeds or falls below the percentages specified (thresholds) is obliged to inform the affected company of this immediately.

The reporting thresholds are 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50% or 75% of the voting rights in a listed company.

According to sections 33 et seq. of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) shareholders are obliged to notify any changes in their voting rights in relation to their shares held in FUCHS SE in the event that their holdings meet, exceed or fall below of the legal thresholds. This applies mutatis mutandis to instruments according to section 38 WpHG.

Shareholders concerned by these requirements have to notify the change in voting rights without undue delay to FUCHS SE and simultaneously to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), at the latest within four trading days under consideration of section 33 (1) and (2) of the WpHG.

We kindly request any shareholder obliged to inform FUCHS SE about changes in their voting rights pursuant to sections 33 et seq. WpHG to send the relevant notification to the following address:

Investor Relations
Einsteinstraße 11
68169 Mannheim
Fax: +49 621 3802 7274
Email: ir@fuchs.com

+49 (0) 621-3802-0