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Partner der Mannheimer BWL

The association Partner der Mannheimer Betriebswirtschaftslehre e.V. was founded by the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Mannheim and the Mannheim Business School in order to connect researchers and managers from major companies and to promote the exchange between academic research and practice. The aim is to strengthen the faculty and the Mannheim business school through idealistic and financial support in research, teaching and infrastructure and to increase their national and international visibility. FUCHS therefore supports this association in order to continue developing the Mannheim Business School into a leading institution in the education sector.

Further information

National Center for Tumor Desases

The National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg is one of the leading German cancer centers and is highly regarded internationally. Certified as an Oncology Center of Excellence since 2007, it combines research, therapy and prevention all at once and at many interfaces. FUCHS SE supports the NCT Heidelberg in important clinical research projects to improve diagnostic and therapeutic options.

Further information

Wittenberg Zentrum

FUCHS SE sponsors the "Wittenberg Zentrum" for global ethics, an institution geared towards providing ethical orientation for future decision makers in commerce, politics and society. It has the objective to sustainably promote peace, equal opportunity and prosperity in globally connected societies growing together. In 2010, FUCHS signed the “Code for Responsible Conduct for Business“ developed by the Wittenberg Zentrum.

Further information


Enactus Mannheim is a dynamic student initiative to engage students in and around Mannheim in social entrepreneurship and provide them with the skills to develop a social start-up, addressing the three fundamental dimensions of our society: Community, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship. Aligned with the 17 goals of the United Nations, our initiative is committed to bringing about positive change and supports a variety of start-ups such as Differgy, Afya, GrrenHeat, Greenscape and many more. FUCHS supports various Enactus Mannheim e.V. projects with its network, know-how and financial resources.

Further information  (only available in German)

+49 (0) 621-3802-0