DMG MORI and FUCHS - a strong partnership
Since 2017, a technology partnership has united DMG MORI AG, a leading global manufacturer of cutting machine tools, and FUCHS. Our goal? To set standards in the field of lubricants for machine tools with innovative product developments. Together, we develop new lubricant solutions and services for machine tool applications to drive forward the digitalisation of production processes and the condition monitoring of machines and systems.

For our customers this means:
Full Range of
Metalworking Fluids and Services
- High Performing
- Easy-care and longlife
- Sustainable technology
- All materials and applications
- Comprehensive fluid services and advanced monitoring systems
Lubricants are crucial
Use of the correct lubricants is crucial for optimum productivity when machine tools are employed for the intensive machining of components. We are delighted to have found a globally positioned technology partner in FUCHS, and together we want to continue expanding our technology and service excellence.
Christian Thönes
Stefan Fuchs, CEO of FUCHS Group, too is focusing on intensifying the long-term business relationship. “With 14 production plants and 157 sales and service locations in 79 countries, DMG MORI has a high level of technological expertise, capacity for innovation and a global presence."
For customers and users
I am convinced that it is not only our two companies, but primarily our customers and users, who will benefit from our partnership.
Stefan Fuchs
CEO of FUCHS Group
“Cooling lubricants for metalworking must be efficient, economical and free of ingredients that are harmful to the environment or health. In the process chains following metalworking, coordinated cleaning solutions and process-compatible, reliable corrosion inhibitors are crucial for production safety and product quality,” says Stefan Knapp, CEO of FUCHS Lubricants Germany. “That is why we focus strongly on coordinated lubricant concepts, and together with DMG MORI we shall continue to work on their optimization. The longevity and economy of FUCHS cooling lubricants also reduces operating, maintenance and disposal costs.”
This longevity and stability is also of great importance for the analysis of the cooling lubricant measurement data, which is recorded online and plays an increasingly important role in Production Industry 4.0, which will in future be largely self-organizing. “The relevant FUCHS sales and product management colleagues in Europe prepared themselves for this cooperation at a kick-off meeting in October 2017,” reports Knapp. “At this meeting, we discussed strategies, goals, joint activities and marketing measures, and we are already very excited about the partnership. We are also all proud that DMG MORI, the world market leader in the field of machine tools, has chosen FUCHS as its technology partner. Our colleagues at FUCHS China have been working closely with DMG MORI for several years now and have provided us with valuable support in our preparation for the cooperation.”
Especially recommended hydraulic/transmission oils

Especially recommended spindle oils

Especially recommended central lubricating grease
Especially recommended chuck grease

Especially recommended metalworking fluids

Especially recommended corrosion preventives
Especially recommended cleaner

Especially recommended slideway oils

Especially recommended antifreezes