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Ensuring profitable manufacturing in international competition while also remaining viable for the future is a challenge for every producing company. Continuous improvement of all production processes is essential here. Lubricants, whether industrial oils and greases or metal working fluids, directly and indirectly play a significant part in increasing efficiency in manufacturing. On the basis of its many years of process expertise, FUCHS offers modular services in the field of lubricant management (CPM) that span all the way up to taking over the customer's complete lubricant management process.

FUCHS Bioseven

New fountain FUCHS BIOSEVEN V2


The FUCHS BIOSEVEN V2 biological degreasing fountain cleans your parts without the use of solvent, respecting the operator and the environment. It works with the natural regeneration principle that uses microorganisms to simply turn pollutants into a source of food and energy.

Advantages :

  • Compact model with integrated dipping tank
  • Ergonomic design Backlit digital screen
  • Drain system
  • Central filter: stainless steel basket + pocket filter

User benefits:

  • Health and hygiene of operators
  • Cleaning performance
  • Control of the consumable budget

Complementary products:

  • RENOCLEAN AQUABIO cleaning solution
  • Microorganism tablets: RENOCLEAN BIOSEVEN



  • Pour un développement optimisé des micro-organismes

Table de préparation

  • Permet de poser les pièces avant ou après nettoyage

Boîtier de contrôle

  • Simple : un seul interrupteur, écran digital
  • Mode BOOST : booste le nettoyage
  • Mode ECO : économie d'énergie

Filtration 100 µm

  • Filtre cartouche lavable et réutilisable


  • Bac de trempage 100L sous les étagères
  • Permet de travailler en temps masqué

Agitation pneumatique (option)

  • Trempage avec brassage permettant une action mécanique renforcée

Système d'écrémage

  • Robinet qui permet d'écrémer la pellicule d'huile en surface

Système de vidange

  • Visualisation du niveau d'huile
  • Vanne de vidange surelevée
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri.: 8:30 - 17:30
Wed.: 8:30 - 15:15

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