Peršokti į turinį


Bitumen parting agent for hot and mastic asphalt

Performance Features

  • emulsion concentrate, therefore economically usable
  • good parting effect
  • vegetable oil basis
  • rapidly biodegradable


BITEEREX GRÜN is based on natural vegetable oil and special emulsifiers ensuring good biodegradability in water and soil. In its emulsified state it can be used especially as a parting agent for hot and mastic asphalt.

Field of application

All construction sites, in particular in water catchment areas, protected water zones, water courses, etc. BITEEREX GRÜN is applied to dump trucks, asphalt finishers and other equipment and machinery. The product is especially suitable for use on rubber-tired rollers.

Method of application

BITEEREX GRÜN is delivered in concentrated form which is applied in practice at a ratio of 1:10 after being mixed in water (not vice versa). The emulsion is stable for over 5 hours; before application it should be re-mixed. The mixture can be pre-pared for example with an agitator, compressed-air lance, lath, hand drill with paint mixer, etc. As a maintenance preparation it should be applied before the first and after every successive operation. Consumption: approx. 20 - 35 m²/l. It may not be mixed with oils or solvents.


  • The storage temperature not below +5 °C
  • The storage period should not exceed 1 year
  • Store barrels on their sides
  • Reseal packaging after removal

Note the WHG and EC safety data sheet!
Prior to its use on rubber-tire rollers, seals, etc., the compatibility with the elastomers should be verified. The product may not come in contact with zinc or galvanised materials. Store cleaning rags wetted with BITEEREX GRÜN in a closed and approved container.

Pramonės šakos

  • Construction

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Susisiekti su mumis
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Jack Smith
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