Water-based lubricant varnish for very high temperatures
Performance Features
- Temperature range for use: -180 to 1200 °C
- Suitable for use in mass production
- Creates a dry, firmly adhering lubricant film
- Withstands extreme loading
- Prevents seizing up in materials that are liable to cold-weld (stainless steel, aluminium)
- Suitable for metallurgical applications
- permits lubrication and assembly to be carried out at separate times
- fulfils the demands on coefficient of friction of VDA (German Assoziation of Automotive Industry)
GLEITMO 2332 V is a water-based solid lubricant coating. The lubricating component is a synergetic combination of solid lubricants. The formulation of the solid lubricants has been selected in such a way that there is no reaction with the surface of the workpiece even at high temperatures. This makes GLEITMO 2332 V suitable for metallurgical applications.
Range of application
GLEITMO 2332 V is of particular value for coating bolts and nuts that are to be used at very high temperatures (e.g. exhaust system). It makes screw connections computable, prevents from seizures and makes possible the loosening of screws being faced to very high temperatures.
It may be applied by dipping or spraying. The parts to be coated must be free from dust and grease. The lubricant varnish must be thoroughly stirred before application. If sprayed, reservoirs fitted with stirring equipment are recommended. GLEITMO 2332 V can be applied to the parts undiluted, or it may be diluted with demineralised water. No more than 20 % of water should be added. For screw coatings GLEITMO 2332V is usually dried at an object temperature of 60-80°C. For special applications a heat pre-treatment at 200°C can be helpful but is not obligatory.
Stir well befor use! Protect from frost! Shelf-life: 12 months in closed original containers at room temperature.
- Automotive
- Machinery, equipment
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