Copper-based hot thread paste
Performance Features
- temperature range: -30 / +1,100 °C
- excellent corrosion protection by the oil component
- prevents seizure and welding of ferrous metal connections
- excellent separation properties
GLEITMO 160 NEU is a copper-coloured separating paste containing metals and mineral oil. The combination of mineral oil, a special thickener, heavy metal-free additives and solid lubricants provides this pasty high-temperature compound with excellent separation properties. The oil evaporates above approximately 200 °C and leaves a dry lubricating film which is effective up to 1,100 °C.
Field of application
GLEITMO 160 NEU is recommended for the preparation of threaded connections, pins, hinges and couplers including treaded connections on the exhaust side of internal combustion engines.In special cases and after consultation, the product GLEITMO 160 NEU can also be used as a grease. Examples are: slowly oscillating joints and certain plain bearings operated at slow speeds and high loads.
Method of application
Apply GLEITMO 160 NEU with a brush, cloth or sponge onto the previously cleaned surfaces. GLEITMO 160 NEU can also be used in grease guns.GLEITMO 160 NEU is available as brush-in-cap can (GLEITMO 160 NEU PINSELDOSE) and as consistent paste.
- Agriculture, forestry
- Automotive
- Construction
- Consumer, aftermarket
- Machinery, equipment
- Mining, quarrying, exploration
- Other industries
- Power generation
- Steel, metals
- Transport
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