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Our first Social and Environmental Responsibility Campaign

03.05.2021 - 01:32

By: Sebastian Chávez H. - Communication & MKT Analyst 

As a first campaign, employees were launched to raise funds to support a community in the municipality of Landa de Matamoros, located in the Sierra Gorda region in the state of Querétaro. The original intention was to hand over pantries to families because of Family Day, held in March. The methodology to follow was that for every pantry that an employee donated, Lubricantes FUCHS Mexico would put an additional one, however, its participation was so great that we also managed to add smiles to the children of that region, therefore, the focus turned to not only delivering pantries to families, but also toys and candies to the little ones by the celebration of Children's Day in Mexico.


The Big Day

Last April 25th was the long-awaited day, nine employees from different areas of Lubricantes FUCHS Mexico attended the community to meet families, give them the donation and share with them a little of who we are.

People's faces showed gratitude and joy, but it was most noticeable in children running with their toys and bags of candy. Finally, we achieved our goal and fulfilled our mission: to see the people of the region smile.

Then, when we thought we were ready to return, we had a huge and pleasant surprise, the community leader, as a symbol of gratitude, invited us all to share and eat with his family.

"You are welcome to come back whenever you want, this is your home." – those were his words when he said goodbye


On our return, a sense of joy overwhelmed us, with desire to do more, contribute more, HELP MORE. Thank you very much to those who contributed to make this possible. We managed to carry a message of the solidarity of Lubricantes FUCHS Mexico with our hearts ahead!


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Acceso C No. 101


Parque Industrial Jurica. C.P. 76127


Querétaro, Qro.