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A less conventional solution that produces top results

We were contacted by an ultra-modern sawmill that had long been having problems with its large central lubrication system. They had recently transitioned from being a traditional sawmill to being a modern processing industry. Needless to say, the central lubrication problems were devastating for the newly built, hyper-modern saw with high demands on performance and efficiency.


  • Separation and pumpability in the central lubrication system.
  • Soap residues were blocking the pipes.
  • A very large system and long pipes.
  • Previous tests with several different greases – without success.


  • Full-scale testing in a part of the standard system using our RENOLIT NOVAWAY product, which is less conventional and has special properties.
  • The RENOLIT NOVAWAY series is based on non-polar polypropylene, which offers significantly better lubrication and life span than more standard saponified lubricating greases. This enables the additives to reach the metal surface more easily and thus lubricate better.
  • Thanks to its special properties, RENOLIT NOVAWAY is easy to pump around the large, modern lubrication system.


  • No soap residues.
  • No free oil at the lubrication point.
  • No wrecked bearings.
  • The sawmill now uses RENOLIT NOVAWAY in its entire central lubrication system – a very satisfied customer. 

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