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A step into the future - Our new plant

We are incredibly proud of our new, modern production facility, which will produce lubricants for the Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish markets.

We believe in Nordic industry and in a sustainable future, where we have an important role to play. We want to grow with our customers, close to where they are.

This is a modern, sustainable and inspiring workplace and meeting-place. 

Watch the film to learn more about our new plant.

Did you know that biodegradable hydraulic oils often provide better performance?

Most people realise that biodegradable products have less of an environmental impact in the event of a spill or leak. But not everyone knows that many environmentally adapted hydraulic oils also offer better technical properties than the ones based on mineral oils. They have a longer life span. They are better at separating air and water. They can handle a wider temperature range. And they have better solubility, which means you avoid problems with varnish.

Want to find out more about environmentally adapted lubricants?

Did you know that handling lubricants correctly reduces the risk of stoppages?

It’s largely about method and good order. Careful cleaning, correct storage and regular checks are all key parts of a successful process. Putting a bit of thought into things beforehand reduces the risk of contaminants and operational stoppages, while also extending the life of your lubricants, engines and machinery. Please feel free to use our checklist, which will help you optimise your lubricant maintenance. 

You can find the checklist here.

Did you know that changing from mineral to synthetic oil can save energy, money and the environment?

There is much to be gained by choosing the right type of lubricant. In fact, the gains could be huge if you change your mineral oil for a fully synthetic lubricating oil. Let’s look at an example: If you have 80 gears, with an average output of 35 kW and an operating time of 8,000 hours – you could save as much as ‎€ 12,280. Every year. This is due to less energy loss and less work input. At the same time, you reduce your CO2 emissions by over 10,000 kg a year. So for once, it’s actually very easy to do the right thing.

You can find out more about energy efficiency and viscosity here.

Did you know that we test how lubricants affect the head on a glass of beer?

In beer production, there is always a risk that tiny amounts of lubricant end up in the beer. That’s why it’s always important to use lubricants that are approved for contact with foods – but even food-approved lubricants can affect the head on a beer when you pour it. When we develop lubricants for beer production, we therefore conduct rigorous foam tests. We test the height of the head, and how long it takes for it to shrink to half the size. We then compare the results to a reference sample. The highest level, Good, is the only head we accept as the crowning glory. With roots in Germany, anything less would be a crime.

Want to find out more about foodgrade lubricants? Check this out.

Did you know that thinner engine oils work perfectly well in heavy vehicles too?

Just because you have a big engine in your vehicle, doesn’t mean the viscosity has to be high. On the contrary, a 5W-3 or a 10W- oil can provide better lubrication than a 15W- oil. With a lower viscosity, the oil reaches the lubrication points quicker. This reduces wear and additionally the lower inner friction contributes to lower fuel consumption.

Read more in our blog about vehicle lubrication.

Did you know that the oil flow in a truck engine moves quickly and a long way?

The oil covers a distance of 9,5 metres as it travels round all the nooks and crannies of an engine. Consequently, it's crucial that there's no soot or oxidation to obstruct the flow of oil. Due to the constant flow, each component in the engine is passed and lubricated by 135 litres of oil per minute. 

Do you have the right engine oil? Find out with our online oil guide.

Did you know that elevated temperature affects an oil’s life span?

A mineral-based hydraulic oil that’s correctly maintained – and works at a maximum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius – can have a useful life of around 20 years. The useful life is halved for every ten degrees the temperature in the system increases.  So there is much to be gained by keeping the temperature down. This is most easily done by regulating the cooling with a thermostat, but also by ensuring that the air or water cooling system is clean and working properly. 

Read more in our blog about hydraulic fluids.

Did you know that the diesel effect can ruin hydraulic oil?

Low pressure in a system can cause what’s known as a diesel effect and ruin the oil. If the pressure is low, gas bubbles can form in the oil. In the diesel effect, these bubbles then ignite and cause a micro-combustion, forming nitrogen oxides. Over time this darkens the oil, it starts to smell acrid and perform worse. Low pressure can arise if the oil is of too high viscosity, if the hydraulic pump suction pipe is under-dimensioned, or if the pump is too high up in relation to the hydraulic reservoir.

Read more in our blog about hydraulic fluids.

Did you know that it’s important to check which coolant your engine needs?

There are products in all the colours of the rainbow to choose from, and using the wrong one can be costly. Not all types mix well with each other. Mixing can lead to increased corrosion, clogged cooling systems, leakage, or even engine breakdowns in the worst cases. Check the vehicle’s user’s manual or use our online tool to make sure you’re using the right product!

Read more in our blog 'Colour blind’ glycol management is easier and more reliable.

Did you know that over-lubrication causes many cases of bearing failure? 

Research shows that between 30% and 40 % of bearing failures are linked to over-lubrication. To avoid this, it is vital to use the right amount of lubricant, at the right time. More is not better. On the contrary. To much lubricant can lead to increased temperature, greases can age faster and become thicker, putting a strain on the engineering. Also, make sure the pressure in the grease gun is not too high. This can cause waer, damage seals, lead to leakage which causes corrosion, and also increases the risk of breakdown.

For more tips and advice, download our Grease Handbook.

Did you know that the right hydraulic oil decreases energy loss?

Therefore, choose an oil with the right properties, especially in terms of viscsity. An oil with lower viscosity is easier to "pull" around the hydraulic system, thus reducing energy loss and saving money. Many people choose a high-viscosity oil out of habit, but this is an area worth reflecting on to achieve improved lubrication and lower costs.  

For more tips, read our blog post about hydraulic fluids.

Did you know that oil can act as a heated garage in a can?

With a thinner engine oil, you avoid having to idle to keep the engine ticking over on cold days. This oil improved startability and reduces wear, and is therefore known as "a heated garage in a can". And of course, no idling is good news for your finances and the environment! 

For more tips, read our blog post about vehicle lubrication.

Tailor made Lubricant solutions at Cementa

With a structured overview of lubrication points and needs, Cementa on Gotland could reduce both cost but also the number of products by about 30%.

Read more about our customers here.

Choose the right lubricant for large industries

Large industries with extreme conditions require the proper lubricant. We help our customers choose the right lubricants tailored to their needs and applications.

Read more about our products here.

Increase performance with proper lubrication for very large machines

Huge  machines with maximum load of 90 tonnes call for meticulos care. Select the proper lubrication to increase the performance and service life of your machines.

Read more about our products here.

Increase performance with proper lubrication

Proper lubrication increases the performance and service life of your machines.

Read more about our products here.

Decrease oil consumption with FUCHS XTL® Technology

Did you know that our high-tech enginge oil offers up to 35% faster starts in extreme cold, 18% lower oil consumption and 1,7% lower fuel consumption?

Read more about XTL® -technology here.

The development of a new type of hydraulic oil

HYDRAWAY BIO was invented from a technical collaboration between clients and business partners, which optimized both oil and the use of the oil. The result was a customized product based on the client's specific needs.

Read more about our hydraulic fluids here.

Customized lubricants tailored to your needs

We at FUCHS help your company to tailor an optimal lubricant solution customized to your challenges and needs.

Contact us to learn how we can help your business here.

Reduced environmental impact in shipping with STERNWAY BIO

Did you know that our oil STERNWAY BIO is based on renewables and is readily degradable? It was developed to reduce the environmental impact on shipping and to meet clean shipping requirements.

Read more about marine lubricants here.

Reduce wear with the right choice of cutting fluid

Choosing the right cutting fluid reduces the number of unplanned breakdowns and increases the life of both tools and cutting fluid. We guide you in what to consider when choosing a product.

Learn more about cutting fluids here.

Avoid break downs with regular oil analysis (in Swedish)

Read more about our oil analysis services here.

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