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Harmonized Offshore Chemicals Notification Format (HOCNF)

Environmentally-tested lubricants for the offshore industry

We are able to offer a complete range of lubricants suitable for the offshore industry that have been tested and registered in accordance with the latest environmental requirements from the Norwegian authorities.

Harmonised Offshore Chemicals Notification Format (HOCNF) is a scheme to harmonise the regulation of chemicals used in the offshore industry in the North Sea and the northeast Atlantic. The aim is to minimize the risk of serious spills and damage to the local marine environment.

According to the latest requirements, hydraulic oils and chemicals used in closed systems, in volumes greater than 3,000 kg per year and installation, must be tested and registered for offshore use.

We have several products that have undergone testing and are documented in accordance with the latest requirements. We are therefore able to offer a wide and comprehensive range – from standard products to special fluids developed for the most demanding conditions.

As a supplier, we give you as an operator the option to choose environmentally considerate products without compromising on technical performance, while also complying with applicable rules and requirements. We have products that have been developed and rigorously tested for a range of applications within the offshore industry.

The following products have HOCNF documentation and are registered in the NEMS database.

Contact us

For more information, please contact us.

Eivind Kollerud
Oil & Gas Rig segment
+47 918 53 964

Nils Terje Lange
Oil & Gas Offshore segment
+47 905 25 626

Max execution time: 240

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+47 21 99 59 50
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Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 15:00