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Hydraulic oils

High demand on a hydraulic oil

Hydraulic oils or hydraulic fluids play a major role in the industry and industrial oils. The share of hydraulic oils in the market is significant and thus constitutes an important group within lubricants.

The following hydraulic oils or hydraulic fluids are considered:

  • hydraulic fluids based on mineral oil
  • synthetic pressure fluids
  • biodegradable hydraulic fluids
  • fire-resistant hydraulic fluids

The technical importance of hydraulic oils is often neglected. Hydraulic oils are considered as standard or commercial goods. The wide range of pressure fluids often receives little attention. The solution of technically demanding problems in hydraulics, e.g. friction-vibrations of cylinders, are solved rather technical / constructive instead of seeking to solve this problem by the appropriate performance of a suitable hydraulic oil.

FUCHS hydraulic oil technology

As the leading lubricant specialist for hydraulics, FUCHS relies on consistent further development of the hydraulic oils or hydraulic fluids, e.g.

  • with the market launch of zinc and ash-free hydraulic oils as an alternative to zinc-containing hydraulic oils and biodegradable hydraulic fluids;
  • the use of food-grade H1 hydraulic oils;
  • the introduction of synthetic base fluids for multi-range hydraulic oils and new fire-resistant water-glycol-based hydraulic oils;
  • with significant advancements of ester-based, fire-resistant HFD U fluids;
  • with the optimization of hydraulic oils with regard to their filtration behavior with ultrafine filters;
  • with the development of hydraulic oils with special wear protection capacity (high Brugger oils); as
  • the offer of compatibility families of hydraulic oils and bed sheet oils as well as cooling lubricants in the machine tool up to
  • low-viscosity fluids.

FUCHS offers solutions aimed at increasing energy and efficiency through the targeted selection of hydraulic oils and the consideration of new requirements for shear stability, thermal and oxidative stability. Typical example of such products is high efficiency hydraulic fluid RENOLIN XTREME TEMP


  • Higher productivity – more tons per hour
  • Better fuel efficiency – more material moved per liter of fuel
  • Longer service intervals – less wear and extended drain intervals
  • Higher flow rate at peak temperatures – faster response and smoother operation

International standards for hydraulic oils

  1. ISO viscosity classification:
    The viscosity of all industrial liquid lubricants, including hydraulic oils, is classified by standard ISO 3448:1992.
    The classification defines 20 (kinematic) viscosity grades in the range 2 mm2/s to 3200 mm2/s at 40 °C.
    For hydraulic oils the typical range of viscosity grades goes from ISO VG 15 to ISO VG 100.

  2. Quality (and performance) specification:
    All lubricants, industrial oils and related products are classified by standard ISO 6743. Only automotive lubricants are not included in this standard. With the "Family H (Hydraulic oils)" deals its part 4, i.e. standard ISO 6743-4. It covers 15 categories of hydraulic oils - each of them is designated by a symbol consisting of a group of letters, which together constitute a code where the first letter is always H. 

  • Typical hydraulic oils intended for usual hydrostatic systems have codes: ISO-L-HM and ISO-L-HV.
  • Typical hydraulic oils intended for systems used in sensitive environment have code: ISO-L-HEES.
  • Typical categories of hydraulic oils intended for aplications, where fire-resistant fluids are required, have following codes: ISO-L-HFC and ISO-L-HFDU.


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In action: FUCHS hydraulic oil RENOLIN XtremeTemp

Our hydraulic oil RENOLIN XtremeTemp is put to the test. During the test the fuel consumption and productivity of our test excavator were monitored.

Max execution time: 240

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