FUCHS compliance management system
As a global lubricant product group with activities in various business areas, FUCHS is constantly exposed to competition. We view competition openly. For us, fair competition is the foundation of integrity and progress, as it provides options and opportunities for market development.
The actions of every FUCHS employee are guided by compliance with applicable laws. It is part of the professional duties of both management and other employees to know and comply with existing laws, directives, and social standards, whether they are supranational or local regulations. Illegal behavior jeopardizes the image of our company, harms our market position, and can result in economic losses for the business.
FUCHS has a Code of Conduct that establishes, among other standards, the principles of fair competition, transparency, and integrity. Corporate management and compliance are the responsibility of the executive board. The FUCHS Compliance Management System includes a director and a compliance organization that supports and advises employees worldwide. A compliance officer is appointed for each local unit.
The guidelines that apply to key areas of compliance, including corruption and competition, serve as a mandatory framework to ensure that everyone’s conduct is always in line with the law and ethical principles. In addition, this initiative includes information and training measures, consistent analysis and sanctioning of compliance violations, direct compliance contacts, regular compliance reports, and specific compliance audits.
FUCHS Compliance Communication
FUCHS has launched an internet-based reporting system called FUCHS Compliance Communication. The system is based on the standardized solution from the service provider Business Keeper AG and meets the highest IT security standards. This system allows users to describe their observations in detail and maintain contact with the compliance officer. If desired, the user can remain completely anonymous throughout the entire process. Users are informed that FUCHS has no interest in recording their personal data. There is no link to the reporting system embedded on the website, preventing traceability. To access the FUCHS compliance communication system, copy the internet address below (URL) into your web browser: