27.06.2022 - 06:03
// Press Releases
FUCHS strengthens e-mobility business and enters the battery market
The Group launched its FUCHS2025 strategy program back in 2019. Over the next few years, this program will help the company take advantage of the opportunities presented by the megatrends of digitalization, sustainability, and e-mobility. The new investment will also feed into this, as it grants FUCHS access to the fast-growing market for electrolytes. This market is set to become increasingly important, particularly in and out of Europe, since electrolytes represent a key component of the lithium-ion batteries used in countless appli-cations, including e-mobility. FUCHS is investing around EUR 8 million in this new area of activity. The share purchase agreement also opens up the possibility of acquiring further shares on a step-by-step basis over time.
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