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Our customers are well- aware of the consequences of failing equipment, especially when it occurs without warning.  The FUCHS CENT System available at Alhamrani-FUCHS can help stop these problems occurring. CENT can provide maintenance managers with regular and accurate reports that give you a clear indication of the condition of your plant and equipment. Based on sophisticated laboratory techniques that analyze oil and vibration data and diagnosed by our Condition Monitoring experts, the CENT report highlights problems before they occur. This ensures that your maintenance decisions are made, effectively reducing or eliminating the possibility of mechanical failure.

How does CENT work?

CENT uses wear, debris and vibration monitoring data to determine the condition of your plant and equipment.

Oil samples and vibration readings are taken, and the results of their assessment enable trends to be established and alarm levels set for individual applications. The unique CENT Metallurgy Database also allows the identification of specific components within the application that are the cause for the alarm.

Data is presented in an easily understood full colour CENT report using graphs and “Traffic Light” indicators. Reports are transferred by Post, Fax, Modem or e- mail- however you require.

Where can CENT be used?

The FUCHS CENT System can benefit a wide spectrum of your mechanical plant and equipment, including: Engines, transmissions, gearboxes, machine tools, compressors, turbines, hydraulic systems and lubrication systems.

Our clients include SABIC, Saudi Readymix Concrete, United Cement, Natpet amongst others.

Service Contact
+966 12 663 5666
Business hours:

Sunday To Thursday  8:00 – 16:00