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Synthetic PTFE multi-purpose and maintenance lubricant for food processing applications in the food manufacturing industry

Performance Features

  • Colourless clean and light dry film
  • Good anti-stick properties
  • Good adhesive properties
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • Insoluble in water
  • Does not contain silicon compounds
  • Neutral in odour and taste

Certifications and Specifications

  • NSF H1
  • Kosher
  • Halal


CASSIDA PTFE DRY SPRAY is a synthetic maintenance lubricant designed for a number of special applications in the food manufacturing industry.
It is based on a unique blend of components, chosen for their ability to meet the stringent requirements of the food industry.
Registered by NSF (Class H1) for use where there is potential for incidental food contact. Produced according to FLT Quality Standards, in facilities where HACCP audit and Good Manufacturing Practice have been implemented and form part of the quality and hygiene management systems ISO 9001 and ISO 21469.


  • Lubrication of cams, chains, cables, conveyors, sliding tracks, joints, pivots, lifts, pulleys, threaded parts, bolts, rollers, taps, valves, and many other moving parts.
  • Lubrication and protection of seals, guides, operating in food, pharmaceutical and other clean environments where incidental food contact is possible.

Seal and Paint Compatibility

Compatible with the elastomers, gaskets, seals and paints normally used in food machinery lubrication systems.

Handling and Storage

All food grade lubricants should be stored separately from other lubricants, chemical substances and foodstuffs and out of direct sunlight or other heat sources. Store between 0 °C and +30 °C. Provided that the product has been stored under these conditions we recommend using the product within 3 years from the date of manufacture. Upon opening a pack, the product must be used within 2 years (or within 3 years of date of manufacture, whichever is the sooner).


  • Food

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+62 21 29634934 - 35
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+62 21 29634934 - 35
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