FUCHS SILKOLENE solutions provide true
'oil tuning'.
We have used the latest innovative technological advances in XP-based products to achieve:
- 11% fuel savings
- 18% lower oil consumption
- 3% improved power (BHP/Torque)
- reduced engine wear
Our high-quality product range includes:
- engine oils
- gear oils
- shock absorber oils
- chain lubricants
- coolant additives
- special cleaners
- care and cleaning products for air filters and brakes

SILKOLENE is the world's leading range
of high-quality lubricants for motorcycles,
developed on the race track, to provide
superior performance and protection.

Choice of the right lubricant
...has never been so IMPORTANT
Over the past years our products have evolved into the most versatile range dedicated 100% to motorcycles.
Where to buy?
Find out more about SILKOLENE
Frequently asked questions about motorcycle oils
They differ because very different requirements are placed on them. First, motorcycle engines are often more overpowered (high power from small capacity) and run at higher rpm than car engines. Second, in almost all motorcycles, engine oil also works in the gearbox and clutch. Car engine oils are not suitable for motorcycles because they may contain additives that reduce friction and cause clutch slippage.
A very high quality mineral oil can perform better than a synthetic oil like itself. Top-quality synthetic oils, on the other hand, can be more thermally stressed, age more slowly and keep the engine cleaner and better protect against wear.
Yes. Only that the properties of such a mixture go in the direction of oil with inferior properties. But topping up rather as a last resort - it is better to add inferior oil than to drive with too low an oil level.
No, because, for example, when new oil turns brown shortly after a change, it only proves that it is doing its job (trapping dirt and preventing deposits). During the change, there will always be some old oil left in the engine, which will immediately color it dark.
Yes. Any oil that comes into contact with oxygen will age, but for fresh oil a year without work is no problem. That's why a change can be done in the fall. Fresh oil - kept in a sealed bubble, unaffected by frost - can be stored for up to 3 years in rooms where UV radiation does not reach.
This is better, because the engine oil works better from about +500C. Nevertheless, everything works properly once the operating temperature is reached. It makes sense, therefore, to warm up the engine a bit.
When it lights up, it's usually too late. In many cases, it tells not the oil level, but the oil pressure.
SILKOLENE Motorcycle Lubricants
SILKOLENE is the global market leading high-performance range of motorcycle lubricants that has been developed on the race track to ensure ultimate performance and protection. Silkolene lubricates motorcycles from 1908.
Motorcycle Lubricants
FUCHS offers more products that are specifically developed for the requirements of motorcycles and two-stroke engines than any other supplier on the market. Our new XP technology for motorized two-wheelers offers significantly reduced fuel and oil consumption, meets the highest API specifications and boosts performance with the Pro 4 and Comp 4 products.
Download everything you need to know about FUCHS SILKOLENE.
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+386 7 499 10 30